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Stargate SG-1 - Children of the Gods

26-01-2012, 22:24
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 75 zł     
Użytkownik quasimodo1981
numer aukcji: 2031601385
Miejscowość Liptovsky Mikulas, Słowacja
Zostało sztuk: 10    Wyświetleń: 14   
Koniec: 31-01-2012 15:46:57

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
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In the conclusion of Stargate SG-1's opening episode, Jack O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) and his SG-1 team have located scientist Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), discoverer of the ancient Stargate technology enabling Earth to contact other solar systems. Jackson, who has proof that other Stargates exist throughout the galaxy, has for the last year been living on the planet Abydos with his alien wife, Sha're (Vaitare Bandera), and her brother, Skaara (Alexis Cruz). Sha're is kidnapped by the evil Egyptian god Apophis (Peter Williams), who hopes to use the Stargates to take over the universe with the help of the Goa'ulds, parasitic snake creatures who need humans as host bodies. Newly relocated to the planet Chulak, Apophis rules the populace with Sha're (her body taken over by Goa'ulds) as his queen. Though they cannot rescue Sha're, the SG-1 team hope to save themselves and Skaara, so that they can continue thwarting Apophis throughout the universe. In this pursuit, they find an unexpected ally in the form of Teal'c (Christopher Judge), a Jaffa soldier in Apophis' army who carries a larval Goa'uld in his own belly. Originally telecast as a two-hour episode, "Children of the Gods" has since been divided into two hour-long installments for syndication. Hal Erickson
Product Details

    UPC: 883[zasłonięte]142775
    Source: MGM (VIDEO & DVD)
    Region Code: 1
    Presentation: Pan & Scan
    Sound: Dolby AC-3 Surround Sound
    Language: English, Français
    Subtitles: English, Espańol
    Editions: Remastered
    Time: 1:32:00
    Sales Rank: 31,231

This set contains DVDs which may be available separately:

    Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods, Part 1
    Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods, Part 2

Closed Caption; New edit with never-viewed scenes; New and enhanced visual effects; Revoiced performances by Christopher Judge; Original score by Joel Goldsmith; Commentary by co-creator Brad Wright and actor Richard Dean Anderson


Wszystkie filmy, które tu Państwo znajdują w mojej kolekcji sa nagrane w języku angielskim z angielskimi napisami. Są to filmy oryginalne.
O ile opis nie stanowi inaczej właściwym regionem dla w/w filmów jest region 1. Ale filmy można odtwarza na każdym odtwarzaczu komputerowym oraz w wieloregionowym odtwarzaczu dvd.

Towar jest wysyłany z USA. Czas dostarczenia do 14 dni do 6 tygodni. Kurierem mimo, że drożej zdecydowanie szybciej.