The Sounds of Star Wars
w Języku Angielskim
Jonathan W. Rinzler
Ben Burtt
San Francisco 2010
304 strony
format 28 x 29 (28 x 23 - sam album) cm
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Przedmiotem aukcji jest Rewelacyjny Nowy przewodnik cyklu STAR WARS autorstwa Jonathana W. Rinzlera pt. "The Sounds of Star Wars" wydany w oryginalnej angielskiej wersji językowej. Publikacja ta jest historią efektów dźwiękowych, jakie Ben Burtt i jego pomocnicy wykreowali na potrzeby wszystkich filmów sagi Star Wars, a także w serialu telewizyjnym "The Clone Wars". Przewodnik zawiera nie tylko informacje na temat efektów dźwiękowych, wstęp autorstwa Bena Burtta, ale też ponad 300 kolorowych zdjęć oraz same opisywane efekty dźwiękowe, odtwarzane za pomocą specjalnego modułu, jest ich 256. Moduł zasilają trzy baterie 1,5 V AAA (są w zestawie), posiada on także wejście do podłączenia słuchawek (wtyczka standard 3,5 mm), klawisze nawigacji (umożliwiające wybór dowolnego fragmentu), regulację głośności oraz funkcję samoczynnego wyłączania po kilkusekundowej bezczynności. Książka nie została jeszcze wydana w Polsce. Pozycja ta powinna obowiązkowo znaleźć się w biblioteczce każdego wielbiciela serii STAR WARS
Wpis Okładkowy :
In 1977, when Star Wars Episode IV : A New Hope hit theaters, moviegoers were blown away by a cinematic experience unlike anything they had seen - or heard - before, A young man named Ben Burtt was behind the revolutionary sound design, which used "found sounds" along with electronic manipulation to give the film an authentic and many-layered effect Burtt went on to develop the sound design for all of the Sfar Wars live-action films, creating a vault of genre-defining effects that are as fascinating in their origins as they are entertaining in their execution :
* Aunt Beru's Food Processor is a series of slowed-down beeps that come from a short-wave radio belonging to Burtt's grandfather. The beeps were originally recorded in the attic of his grandfather's Ohio home.
* The Millennium Falcon is the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. To create the unique sound of its fly-bys, Burtt went to the National Air Races in the Mojave desert and recorded World War II-era racing planes flying directly overhead. The occasional thunderclap or lion's roar was also mixed in during the moment the Falcon passed by the camera.
* Burtt based the Jawa Language on Zulu, then accelerated and raised the pitch of the actors' performances. The memorable Jawa call of "Utinni!" comes from recordings made by Burtt and his friend Rick Victor in a canyon just outside of Los Angeles, yelling to one another from among the rocks until they were hoarse.
* An "insanely aggressive" dachshund owned by Burtt's neighbors provided the sounds that became the murderous roar of the Massive Rancor Beast.
With More Than 250 Sound Effects, and based on exclusive interviews with Ben Burtt, The Sounds of Star Wars celebrates the Star Wars galaxy like no other book. From the first films through the Prequel Trilogy and the animated ; Star Wars : The Clone Wars series, this is the ultimate behind-the-scenes book for Star Wars fans of every generation.
Spis Treści :
Module Instructions
Foreword by Ben Burtt
Introduction - Growing Up Burt
1. Star Wars
- Sound Jumps to Hyperspace
2. The Empire Strikes Back
- A More Sophisticated Symphony
3. Return of The Jedi
- Sound Montage Mastery
4. The Phantom Menace
- Taking It Digital
5. Attack of The Clones
- From 24-Track to 24-Bit
6. Revenge of The Sith
- Once More, into the Future
7. The Clone Wars
- The Next Generation of Sound
Epilogue : Future Sound
Sound Department Credits by Film
Acknowledgments & Author Bios
Image Credits