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Star Wars - The Force Unleashed I - Tw Opr - promo

05-07-2015, 6:40
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Cena kup teraz: 50 zł     
Użytkownik StarWarsBook
numer aukcji: 5483804906
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 1   
Koniec: 05-07-2015 06:56:17

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2008
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The Force Unleashed


• Autor: Sean Williams
• Ilość Stron: 319
• Oprawa: twarda + obwoluta
• Wydawnictwo: Ballantine Books (19 Sierpień 2008)
• Miejsce wydania: New York
• Format: 24,5 x 16,5 cm
• Język: angielski
• Chronologia: Klasyczna obecnie Legends
• Era Wydawnicza: Era powstania Imperium
• Czas Akcji: 2 lata przed bitwą o Yavin


Nowa !!!


Book Description

The overthrow of the Republic is complete. The Separatist forces have been smashed, the Jedi Council nearly decimated, and the rest of the Order all but destroyed. Now absolute power rests in the iron fist of Darth Sidious - the cunning Sith Lord better known as the former Senator, now Emperor, Palpatine. But more remains to be done. Pockets of resistance in the galaxy must still be defeated and missing Jedi accounted for... and dealt with. These crucial tasks fall to the Emperor's ruthless enforcer, Darth Vader. In turn, the Dark Lord has groomed a lethal apprentice entrusted with a top-secret mission: to comb the galaxy and dispatch the last of his masters' enemies, thereby punctuating the dark side's victory with the Jedi's doom. Since childhood, Vader's nameless agent has known only the cold, mercenary creed of the Sith. His past is a void; his present, the carrying out of his deadly orders. But his future beckons like a glistening black jewel with the ultimate promise: to stand beside the only father he has ever known, with the galaxy at their feet. It is a destiny he can realize only by rising to the greatest challenge of his discipleship: destroying Emperor Palpatine. The apprentice's journeys will take him across the far reaches of the galaxy, from the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk to the junkyard planet of Raxus Prime. On these missions, the young Sith acolyte will forge an unlikely alliance with a ruined Jedi Master seeking redemption and wrestle with forbidden feelings for his beautiful comrade, Juno Eclipse. And he will be tested as never before - by shattering revelations that strike at the very heart of all he believes and stir within him long-forgotten hopes of reclaiming his name... and changing his destiny...

Star Wars - The Force Unleashed I - Tw Opr - promo