The Essential Atlas
w Języku Angielskim
Daniel Wallace & Jason Fry
illustrated by
Ian Fullwood & Modi & Chris Reiff & Chris Trevas
New York 2009
251 stron
format 30 x 23 cm
Oprawa miękka lakierowana
Nowy !!!
Przedmiotem aukcji jest Rewelacyjny Nowy przewodnik cyklu STAR WARS pt. "The Essential Atlas" wydany w oryginalnej angielskiej wersji językowej. Jest to nowa wersja "Ilustrowanego Przewodnika po Planetach i Księżycach Gwiezdnych Wojen". Podobnie jak poprzednia książka, nowe vademecum zawiera informacje o planetach, księżycach, mieszkańcach oraz tajemnicach wielu miejsc i wydarzeń. Nie jest to jednak prosta aktualizacja, tylko praca napisana od nowa w pionierskiej formule. Charakteryzująca się innym spojrzeniem na temat. Album obejmuje wszystkie filmy i seriale telewizyjne, a także powieści, komiksy oraz gry. Informacji jest sporo, miłośnicy każdej ery znajdą tu coś dla siebie. Wydany jest bardzo staranne, na kredowym papierze, zawiera wiele zdjęć, ilustracji oraz map. Został podzielony na trzy części. Sekcja pierwsza dotyczy polityki, kolejna to wybór około 85 planet, trzecia poświęcona jest historii od starożytności do komiksowej serii Legacy, okraszona mapami dla każdej epoki i obrazkami bohaterów. Całość wieńczy wykaz wszystkich przedstawionych planet i ich koordynaty. Książka nie została jeszcze wydana w Polsce. Pozycja ta powinna obowiązkowo znaleźć się w biblioteczce każdego wielbiciela serii STAR WARS
Wpis Okładkowy :
Navigate the Star Wars universe as you never have before - with this fully illustrated, full-color guide that maps the entire galaxy. You know the planets - from Alderaan and Corellia to Tatooine and Zonama Sekot - and the star systems, from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim. But now, for the first time, you can pinpoint their locations and chart the travels of your favorite characters through the vast reaches of space. Star Wars : The Essential Atlas is a galaxy - spanning trove of vital statistics and information ranging from the astronomical and geographical ("Systems, Sectors, Oversectors, and Regions") to the historical and political ("The Sith Empire" and "The Great Hyperspace War"). Encompassing the entire Star Wars canon, including all the films and the Clone Wars television series, plus the novels, comic books, video games, and more, this volume is packed with dozens of detailed maps and charts, as well as pertinent data and accompanying facts on :
* the Empire : its length and breadth, political regions, populations, trade routes, major attractions, and trouble spots
* the Clone Wars : the trajectory of this decisive conflict across the universe, data on key battles and major Loyalist and Separatist worlds
* the Adventures of Han Solo : the heroic rogue's exploits throughout the galaxy - including his captaincy of the Millennium Falcon and his first, fateful meeting with Chewbacca - before his life - changing alliance with Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi
* the Sith Wars : the progression of the universal clash between the ancient Jedi Order, their dark side counterparts, and the Mandalorian warriors who fought against both orders
* and much, much more
From Hutt Space to the Unknown Regions, from the Knights of the Old Republic and Episode I to the Fate of the Jedi and Legacy era, Star Wars : The Essential Atlas is the ultimate gateway to space fantasy's most brilliantly imagined and endlessly intriguing galaxy...
Spis Treści :
Introduction : The Galaxy, Stars, and Planets
Galactic Coordinates
Part I : The Political Galaxy
* Geography and the Structure of the Senate * Systems, Sectors, Oversectors and Regions : Star Systems ; Subsectors and Sectors ; Oversectors and Priority Sectors ; Regions * The Deep Core * The Core Worlds * Astrocartography, Navicomputers, and Trade Routes * A Spacer's Life-BoSS and the ImPeRe * The Colonies * The Galaxy's Population * The Inner Rim * The Expansion Region * The Wonders of the Galaxy * The Mid Rim * Client States of the Empire * Hutt Space * A Closer Look : Hutt Space and Neighboring Regions * The Outer Rim Territories * Wild Space and the Unknown Regions * Globular Clusters and Satellite Galaxies * Miscellaneous Regions : Atrisian Commonwealth ; Bothan Space ; Botor Enclave / Daupherm Planet States ; Herglic Space ; Ktilac Regions ; Nouane ; Paqwepori
Part II : Planets of the Galaxy
* Alderaan * Anaxes * Anoat * Ansion * Bakura * Bespin * Bestine * Bonadan * Bothawui * Boz pity * Brentaal * Byss * Bhristophsis * Borellia * Coruscant * Csilla * Dagobah * Dantooine * Dathomir * Duro * Endor (Forest Moon) * Eriadu * Felucia * Fondor * Gamorr * Geonosis * Hapes * Honoghr * Hoth * Iego * Ilum * Ithor * Kalee * Kamino * Kashyyyk * Kessel * Korriban * Kuat * Malastare * Mandalore * Mimban (Circarpous V) * Mon Calamari * Mustafar * Mygeeto * Naboo * Nagi * Nal Hutta * Nar Shaddaa * Neimoidia * Nubia * N'zoth * Onderon * Ord Mantell * Ossus * Rakata Prime (Lehon) * Rattatak * Raxus Prime * Rhen Var * Rishi * Rodia * Ruusan * Ryloth * Saleucami * Sernpidal * Shadda-Bi-Boran * Sullust * Taanab * Tatooine * Teth * Thyferra * Toydaria * Triton * Tund * Utapau * Yavin * Zonama Sekot
Part III : The Atlas of Galactic History
* Before The Republic : The Gree ; The Kwa ; The Sharu ; The Columi ; The Killiks ; Humans and Taungs ; The Rakatan Infinite Empire ; Xim and the Tion ; Origins of the Jedi and Sith * Galactic Exploration * Major Trade Routes : The Koros Trunk Line ; The Perlemian Trade Route ; The Corellian Run ; The Corellian Trade Spine ; The Rimma Trade Route ; The Hydian Way ; The Metellos Trade Route ; The Salin Corridor ; The Braxant Run ; The Triellus Trade Route ; The Ootmian Pabol ; The Gandeal-Fondor Hyperlane * The Slice * Great Seafaring Species : Baragwin ; Devaronians ; Duros ; Gran ; Herglics ; Humans ; Ithorians ; Khil ; Verpine ; Zabraks * Ancient Mysteries of the Galaxy : The Shrines of Kooroo ; The Loag Dagger ; The Nova Vaults of Kakitai bel Toyouin ; The Mindharp of Sharu ; The Sharkak Noor ; The Bedlam Spirits The Infant of Shaa * The Great Hyperspace War * The sith war * The Mandalorian Wars / The Jedi Civil War * The Mandalorians * Zenith of the Republic * The Kanz Disorders * The Hapes Cluster * The Hydian Way * Descent Into Darkness * The Phantom Menace * Outbound Flight * A Closer Look : Tatooine, Geonosis, and Thearkanis Subsector * The Clone Wars * Attack of the Clones * Revenge of the Sith * A Closer Look : Kashyyyk and its Neighbors * Secrets of the Claatuvac Guild * The Dark Times : The Cleansing of New Plympto ; The Byss Lure ; The Eye of Palpatine ; The Caamas Firestorm ; The Desiccation of Gholondreine-B ; The Enslavement of Kashyyyk ; The Ghorman Massacre ; The Subjugation of Mon Calamari * The Exploits of Lando Calrissian (4 BBY-1 ABY) * The Adventures of Han Solo : The Centrality * The Corporate Sector * A Closer Look : Major Worlds of the Corporate Sector and Neighboring Regions * A Princess in Peril * The Ultimate Power in the Universe * A Closer Look : Yavin and the Gordian Reach * A New Hope * Shadowports of the Galaxy * The Era of Rebellion * The Spice Trade * A Closer Look : Hoth and the Greater Javin * The Empire Strikes Back * A Closer Look : Endor and the Moddell Sector * Return of The Jedi * An Empire Fragmented * Advance of the New Republic * Rogue Squadron's Campaigns * Imperial Restoration * Little Empires * The Dark Empire (10-11 ABY) : Operation Shadow Hand * Decline and Fall : The Pentastar Alignment ; The Crimson Empire * A Closer Look : Mon Calamari Space * Toward a Lasting Peace * A Closer Look : The Senex and Juvex Worlds * A Galaxy Invaded * The Chiss Ascendancy * Conflict Renewed * Epilogue : The Empire Reborn
Appendix : Stellar Coordinates