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Star Wars - New Essential Weapons and Technology

13-07-2012, 18:24
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The New Essential Guide


Weapons and Technology


w Języku Angielskim


W. Haden Blackman

all new Full-Color illustrations by

Ian Fullwood



New York 2004

224 strony

format 27,5 x 21,5 cm

Oprawa miękka lakierowana

Cena okładkowa - 25,95 $


Nowy !!!


Przedmiotem aukcji jest Rewelacyjny Nowy przewodnik cyklu STAR WARS autorstwa W. Hadena Blackmana pt. "The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology" wydany w oryginalnej angielskiej wersji językowej. Jest to nowa wersja "Ilustrowanego Przewodnika po Broniach i Technice Gwiezdnych Wojen". W przewodniku znajdują się opisy broni, artylerii i wyposażenia z klasycznej trylogii, Mrocznego Widma, Ataku Klonów i Nowej Ery Jedi. Przedstawia on historię uzbrojenia, główne fabryki sprzętu, broń i inne urządzenia używane przez rządy i siły w całej galaktyce. Informacji jest sporo, miłośnicy każdej ery znajdą tu coś dla siebie. Wydany jest bardzo staranne, na kredowym papierze, zawiera ponad 200 kolorowych trójwymiarowych ilustracji autorstwa Iana Fullwooda. Opisy wzbogacone są dokładnymi schematami i prezentacjami wszystkiego, od narzędzi komunikacyjnych po superbronie. Książka nie została jeszcze wydana w Polsce. Pozycja ta powinna obowiązkowo znaleźć się w biblioteczce każdego wielbiciela serii STAR WARS. Spis Treści - Poniżej

Wpis Okładkowy :

There's more to the arms, artillery, and exotic equipment of the Star Wars galaxy than Jedi lightsabers and blasters. Species such as the tree - dwelling Wookiees, the amphibious Gungans, and the deadly Yuuzhan Vong have yielded a staggering array of unique weapons and devices. And as the Star Wars mythos continues to grow - in prequels and video games, on screen, in print, and beyond - these remarkable technical creations also multiply and evolve. The New Essential Guide to Weapons & Technology is the fully updated and greatly expanded reference resource that organizes and explains every key class, make, and model of Star Wars munitions - from the smallest personal sidearms to the most devastating interplanetary superweapons - along with a host of other high-tech paraphernalia. This exhaustive compendium includes :

* New in this edition : A fascinating look at the historical significance of Star Wars weaponry and the major technological turning points - including the Clone Wars, the creation of the first Death Star, and the Yuuzhan Wong invasion
* A roster of the major manufacturers who created the most powerful armaments for the Old and New Republics, the Empire, the Sith, the Rebel Alliance, and all of the exotic governments that populate the Star Wars galaxy
* In-depth descriptions of more than 100 weapons and more than 100 additional devices used for defense, communication, survival, and security - including key technology featured in the films

From the Geonosian sonic blaster to the Wookiee bowcaster; from the Imperial energy grenade to the Yuuzhan Vong fire spitter; from dart shooters and laser cannons to Sun Crushers and World Devastators, find the facts about Star Wars firepower - and much more - in The New Essential Guide to Weapons & Technology.

Spis Treści :

- Timeline
- Vital Statistics
- Historical Perspective
Major Manufacturers
Minor Manufacturers
Ranged Weapons
* Blasters * Blaster Rifle * E-Web Repeating Blaster * Bowcaster * Ionization Blaster * Sonic Blaster * Disruptor * Projectile Weapons * Dart Shooter * Flame Projector * Missile Tube * Grenades and Explosives * Gungan Atlatl and Cesta * Lanvarok * Yuuzhan Vong Bugs
Additional Ranged Weapons
* Ammonia Bomb * Ascension Gun * Beam Tube * Bryar Pistol * Charric * Flechette Launcher * Grenade Mortar * Ion Stunner * Light Repeating Blaster * Plasma Eel * Pulse Cannon * Pulse-Wave Blaster * Rail Detonator * Repeater * Riot Gun * Rodian Repulsor Throwing Razor * Sentry Gun * Ssi-ruuvi Ion Paddle Beamer * Stokhli Spray Stick * Verpine Shatter Gun
Melee Weapons
* Lightsaber : Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber ; Darth Vader's Lightsaber ; Darth Maul's Lightsaber ; Asajj Ventress's Lightsaber * Gaderffii * Force Pike * Vibro-Weapons * Ryyk Blades * Geonosian Static Pike * Darkstick * Amphistaff
Additional Melee Weapons
* Coufee * Fear Stick * Fire Blade * Geonosian Spear * Lightwhip (Laser Whip) * Morgukai Cortosis Staff * Neuronic Whip * Sith Sword * Stun Baton * Stun Gauntlet * Tehk’la Blade * Yuuzhan Vong Claws
Starship and Planetary Weapons
* Antivehicle Artillery * Anti-Infantry Battery * Laser Cannons * Turbolasers * Planetary Turbolaser * Proton Torpedo Warhead * Concussion Missiles * Ion Cannons * Planetary Ion Cannons * Tractor Beam Projector * Cluster Bomb * Seismic Charge * Grutchin * Plasma Cannon * Mines
Additional Starship and Planetary Weapons
* Blaster Artillery * Boarding Harpoon * Bomblet Generator * Diamond Boron Missile * Geonosian Defense Platform * Gungan Energy Catapult * Metal-Crystal Phase Shifter
* Death Star * Orbital Nightcloak * Sun Crusher * Galaxy Gun * World Devastator
Defenses and Armor
* Deflector Shield Generator * Planetary Shields * Cloaking Devices * Blast Armor * Clone Trooper Armor * Stormtrooper Armor * Mandalorian Armor * Breath Mask * Vonduun-Crab-Shell-Plated Armor * Personal Deflector Shield * Darth Vader's Armor
Additional Defenses
* AV-1c Combat Armor * Chitin Armor * Dark Armor * Electromesh Armor * Enviro-Suit * Gungan Personal Energy Shield * Gungan Shield Generator * Individual Field Disruptor * Mimetic Suit * Ooglith Cloaker * Ooglith Masquer * Simcronic Magnaforce Security Shield * Spider Silk Armor * Stalker Armor
Sensor, Communication, and Security Devices
* Comlinks * Starship Sensor Array * Portable Scanner * HoloNet Transceiver * Stun Cuffs * Security Scanners * Holocron * Geonosian Containment Field * Coral Restraining Implant * Villip * Cognition Hood
Additional Sensor, Communications, and Security Devices
* Anti-Register Device * Bioscan * Caller * Clone Trooper Learning Helmet * Com-Scan * Creeper * Cybernetic Implant Comlink / Pager * Data Goggles  * Electronic Lock Breaker * Embrace of Pain * Holocube * Homing Beacon * Identichip * Inhibition Field * Irradiators * Jedi Reader * Laser Gate * Magna Lock * Man Trap * Nerve Disruptor * Rank Cylinder * Recording Rod * Restraining Bolt * Sand-Buzzer * Sensor Beacon * Sensor Tag * Slaving Collar * Slicer Chip * Substance Analyzer * Tizowyrm * Transfer Register * Universal Energy Cage * Universal Jammer * Vocal Enhancer * Weapons Detector * Wrist Link
Other Equipment
* Fusioncutter * Vaporator * Electrobinoculars * Hologram Projector * Jetpacks * Bacta Tank * Remote * Datapad * Cyborg Unit * Prosthetics * Cloning Technologies * Entechment Rig
Additional Equipment
* Beamdrill * Chrono * Condenser Unit * Electrorangefinder * Electrotelescope * Energy Cell * Farseein * Fusion Furnace * Glow Rod * Halo Lamp * Jedi Testing Screen * Liquid-Cable Launcher * Magwit's Mystifying Hoop * Map Reader * Mechno-Chair * Power Chair * Psychic Augmenter * Quick-Seal Splint * Scan Grid * Spineray * Trace-Breather Cartridge
Appendix : ID Charts
* Blaster Pistol ID Chart * Blaster Rifle ID Chart * Additional Grenades and Explosives * Lightsabers * Stormtrooper and Clone Trooper Armor
About The Autor
About The Ilustrator