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Star Wars - A New Dawn - John Jackson Miller

15-06-2015, 6:51
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Cena kup teraz: 35 zł      Aktualna cena: 35 zł     
Użytkownik StarWarsBook
numer aukcji: 5423295960
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 21   
Koniec: 15-06-2015 06:55:00

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2015
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A New Dawn


• Autor: John Jackson Miller
• Ilość Stron: 416
• Oprawa: miękka
• Wydawnictwo: Arrow (23 Kwiecień 2013)
• Miejsce wydania: Londyn
• Format: 20 x 13 cm
• Język: angielski
• Chronologia: Nowa obecnie kanoniczna względem filmów
• Era Wydawnicza: Era powstania Imperium
• Czas Akcji: 8 lat po wydarzeniach z Epizodu III - Zemsta Sithów


Nowa !!!


Book Description

Ever since the Jedi were marked for death and forced to flee Coruscant, Kanan Jarrus has devoted himself to staying alive rather than serving the Force. Wandering the galaxy alone, from one anonymous job to another, he avoids trouble - especially with the Empire - at all costs. So when he discovers a deadly conflict brewing between ruthless Imperial forces and desperate revolutionaries, he's not about to get caught in the crossfire. Then the brutal death of a friend at the Empire's hands forces the ex-Jedi to make a choice: bow down to fear, or stand up and fight.

But Jarrus won't be fighting alone. Unlikely allies, including a bomb-throwing radical, a former Imperial surveillance agent, a vengeful security officer, and the mysterious Hera Syndulla - an agent provocateur with motives of her own - team up with Jarrus to challenge the Empire. As a crisis of apocalyptic proportions unfolds on the planet Gorse, they must stand together against one of the Emperor's most fearsome enforcers - for the sake of a world and its people.

Star Wars - A New Dawn - John Jackson Miller