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STAR TREK ENTERPRISE Complete Seasons 1-4 27xDVD

28-01-2014, 18:44
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 345 zł     
Użytkownik angalia
numer aukcji: 3896818492
Miejscowość EŁK
Wyświetleń: 13   
Koniec: 28-01-2014 18:20:18

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Opakowanie: w folii
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: trzy i więcej
Licencja do wypożyczania: Bez licencji
Rodzaj wydania: Wydanie pełne
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STAR TREK ENTERPRISE Complete Seasons 1-4 27xDVD


Przedmiotem aukcji jest: STAR TREK ENTERPRISE Complete Seasons 1-4

Quantity: 27

Format: 27 DVD, Widescreen, Region 0

Additional Attributes: DVD Box

Sound: English (Dolby Digital)

Subtitles: English


Release date:

Notes, bonus:

Scott Bakula .... Jonathan Archer
Jolene Blalock .... T'Pol
John Billingsley .... Phlox
Dominic Keating .... Malcolm Reed
Anthony Montgomery .... Travis Mayweather
Linda Park .... Hoshi Sato
Connor Trinneer .... Charles "Trip" Tucker III

Launched in the year 2151, the starship Enterprise, NX-01 (the first of Earth's advanced NX Class warp five vessels) was first on temporary assignment. Though years of preparation still lay ahead, the ship was unexpectedly put into service by Earth Starfleet when a Klingon national crash landed on Earth, putting the entire planet at stake, should he not make it back to his people. Under the command of Jonathan Archer, son of the famed warp five scientist Henry Archer, the crew of Enterprise succeeded in their mission, but found themselves surrounded by deeper mysteries, warranting the extension of their assignment into a full blown mission of deep space exploration, taking with them a Vulcan science officer (or chaperone) named T'Pol.

Enterprise's first years were rocky; while the ship made contact with such species as the Suliban and the previously mentioned Klingons, such contact was not peaceful. In its first year alone, the ship's crew found themseves in armed conflict with more than a dozen species, and things only got worse. By its third year in space, an alien species known as the Xindi brutally attacked Earth, killing millions.

NX-01 was dispatched into a previously uncharted area of space known as the Delphic Expanse to stop the Xindi from completing their ultimate goal of destroying humanity. While the ship was successful, after nearly a year in the Expanse, the ship suffered severe damage and many losses.

In its fourth year, Enterprise found it serving a more diplomatic role in the service of Earth, easing relations between the Vulcans and the Andorians and the Andorians and the Tellarites. Such efforts were instrumental in pushing Earth toward joining a Coalition of Planets, a government that would eventually lead to the founding of The United Federation of Planets


Covers: nowy w folii

Disc: nowy w folii


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