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27-02-2012, 15:14
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 69 zł     
Użytkownik Failte_Eireann
numer aukcji: 2036386901
Miejscowość KOŁOBRZEG, Polska
Wyświetleń: 14   
Koniec: 03-02-2012 02:12:10

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
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Wydanie oryginalne w idealnym stanie, nieużywane


UWAGA !!! Filmy nie posiadają polskich wersji językowych !!!


Episodes Comprise:

1. Apocalypse Rising
2. The Ship
3. Looking For par'Mach In All The Wrong Places
4. ...Nor The Battle Too Strong
5. The Assignment
6. Trials And Tribble-ations
7. Let He Who Is Without Sin...
8. Things Past
9. The Ascent
10. Rapture
11. The Darkness And The Light
12. The Begotten
13. For The Uniform
14. In Purgatory's Shadow
15. By Inferno's Light
16. Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
17. A Simple Investigation
18. Business As Usual
19. Ties Of Blood And Water
20. Ferengi Love Songs
21. Soldiers Of The Empire
22. Children Of Time
23. Blaze Of Glory
24. Empok Nor
25. In The Cards
26. Call To Arms

Obsada: Avery Brooks, Rene Auberjonois, Michael Dorn, Terry Farrell, Cirroc Lofton, Colm Meaney, Armin Shimerman, Alexander Siddig, Vanessa Williams, Andrew Robinson, Kurtwood Smith, David Graf, Paul Dooley, Jeffrey Combs & Nana Visitor
Reżyseria: Kim Friedman, Andrew Robinson, Allan Kroeker, Jonathan West, Rene Auberjonois, LeVar Burton, Michael Vejar, Jesus Salvador Trevino, Victor Lobl, Gabrielle Beaumont, Les Landau, John T. Kretchmer & Michael Dorn

Czas: 1244 minut
Region: 2 PAL (Europa, Polska)
Języki: angielski, niemiecki, francuski, włoski, hiszpański
Napisy: brak polskich, angielskie, niemieckie, francuskie, hiszpańskie, włoskie


  • The making of "Trials and Tribble-ations"
  • Miles O'Brien featurette with Colm Meaney
  • "Inside DS9 With Michael Okuda"
  • Deep Space Nine's fifth season was a turning point from which there was no going back. Character and information overload took over, and the complicated twists and turns in the build up to war either hooked viewers securely, or sent them away with a headache. The Klingon faction instigated by Worf's arrival was occasionally played for laughs, but mostly their hardheaded personalities made all efforts at diplomacy moot. In the opening episode a chilling possibility is proposed as to what might be: have the Changelings infiltrated already and replaced key personnel? Some fans saw this as a flawed X-Files-style development. Nevertheless it sowed a seed of insidious suspicion, affecting all the principal casts' relationships with one another, even allowing Odo and Quark an opportunity to confess a degree of friendship. Expanding on the new theme of duplication, the crew also made numerous trips to their mirror-universe counterparts.

    As well as new uniforms and the milestone 100th episode, Nana Visitor and Alexander Siddig got to comically disguise the arrival of their child during filming. More laughs came from the fan favourite "Trials and Tribble-ations," with CG allowing Sisko and crew to interact with Kirk and a cameo from Leonard Nimoy. Avery Brooks began taking a backseat, partly a result of the now-overcrowded cast. Although Sisko's destiny would be foreshadowed by his first vision and the introduction of the Pah-wraiths, the Captain was in an increasingly sulky mood. Brooks only directed one episode, allowing room for regulars LeVar Burton and Rene Auberjonois to do more behind the camera. Joining them were Alexander Siddig, Michael Dorn and even Andrew Robinson. Available space started to seem hardly deep enough.

    In this fifth instalment of the Star Trek spin-off, Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks), commander of the starship Deep Space Nine, discovers the first known stable wormhole--a virtual shortcut through space that leads from the Alpha Quadrant to the Gamma Quadrant on the other side of the galaxy. The Gamma Quadrant is governed by the Dominion, a group led by the Changelings--a group of shape shifters which counts DS9 crew member Odo (Rene Auberjonois) as one of its own. The Dominion has become a violent force in the galaxy, and the Deep Space Nine and its crew is the only hope of upholding the way of life established by the Federation. This collection includes all twenty-six episodes from the fifth series.