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26-01-2014, 2:13
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Koniec: 26-01-2014 02:09:33

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UWAGA !!! Filmy nie posiadają polskich wersji językowych !!!








Episodes Comprise:

1. The Way Of The Warrior - Part 1
2. The Way Of The Warrior - Part 2
3. The Visitor
4. Hippocratic Oath
5. Indiscretion
6. Rejoined
7. Starship Down
8. Little Green Men
9. The Sword Of Kahless
10. Our Man Bashir
11. Homefront
12. Paradise Lost
13. Crossfire
14. Return To Grace
15. The Sons Of Mogh
16. Bar Association
17. Accession
18. Rules Of Engagement
19. Hard Time
20. Shattered Mirror
21. The Muse
22. For The Cause
23. To The Death
24. The Quickening
25. Body Parts
26. Broken Link






Obsada: Avery Brooks, Rene Auberjonois, Michael Dorn, Terry Farrell, Cirroc Lofton, Colm Meaney, Armin Shimerman, Alexander Siddig, Andrew Robinson, Nana Visitor, Ken Marshall, James Cromwell, Charles Napier, Jeffrey Combs & Craig Wasson
Reżyseria: James L. Conway, David Livingston, Rene Auberjonois, Avery Brooks, Alexander Singer, LeVar Burton, Winrich Kolbe, Les Landau & Jonathan West

Czas: 1286 minut
Region: 2 PAL (Europa, Polska)
Języki: angielski, niemiecki, francuski, włoski, hiszpański
Napisy: brak polskich, angielskie, niemieckie, francuskie, hiszpańskie, włoskie






  • Interviews with producer Ira Steven Behr, writers Ronald D. Moore and Robert Hewitt Wolfe and cast members Avery Brooks, Terry Farrell and Susanna Thompson
  • Michael Dorn discusses his decision to join ST:DS9
  • "Michael Westmore's Aliens" featurette


    The fourth series of Deep Space Nine can be summed up in one word: Klingons! The show's producers apparently felt beset from all sides. Babylon 5 was a huge hit, as was Star Trek: Voyager, the flagship of new channel UPN. Stepping up DS9's action quotient seemed to be the answer. Time would tell, however, whether doing so via Trek's tried-and-tested former bad guys was the best solution. Opening with a special two-hour extravaganza, the new year was immediately unfamiliar. Dennis McCarthy's original theme--despite winning an Emmy--had been deemed too subdued. As its upbeat new rendition kicked off, the station was seen in battle and swarming with activity. Moments later, we met old/new crewmember Worf, whose sudden appearance was the result of a brewing invasive strategy by the Klingons. This initiated the first of many loyalty shifts, as the Cardassians became the victims. With plenty of re-appearances by Gowron, Kor, and Kurn, it was clear that an ongoing space opera was being crafted. Dukat revealed a tragedy-ridden daughter; Odo's relationship with his people (and Kira) became increasingly melancholy; and even the Jem'Hadar foot soldiers were given a sympathetic angle by their drug addiction.

    Adding to the layers of ambiguity about Earth's (read: the producers') position over being at war, was the "outing" of two recurring characters as rebel activists. Lest we forget the homely/spiritual side of the Captain, time was spent with a future version of Jake, with his father (Brock Peters), and on the nature of his role as "the Emissary." Avery Brooks worked behind the camera a couple of times, but this year the surprise was LeVar Burton directing five shows. There was still time for comedy: the Ferengi warped back to Roswell in 1947 and Bashir played James Bond. But the year will be remembered predominately for its violence. One of the episodes Burton directed had its fight scenes drastically cut, while the series as a whole won an Emmy for its space battle effects.