Przedmiotem aukcji jest: STAR TREK Deep Space Nine Seasons 1 – 7
Quantity: 48
Format: 48 DVD, NTSC&PAL, Region 0
Additional Attributes: DVD Box
Sound: DD 5.1
Subtitles: English
Release date: 1993
Notes, bonus:
The stable wormhole discovered by the Deep Space Nine crew is known to the Bajoran people as the Celestial Temple of their Prophets. Sisko, as discoverer of the wormhole and its inhabitants, is therefore the Emissary of Bajoran prophesy. The wormhole"s other end is in the Gamma Quadrant, halfway around the galaxy from Bajor. That section of space is dominated by the malevolent Dominion. The Dominion is led by the Changelings, the race of shapeshifters to which Odo belongs. As of the beginning of the sixth season, Cardassia has joined the Dominion, and together they are waging war on the Federation and their Klingon allies. The war is quickly becoming the most costly war ever for the Federation, and the Deep Space Nine crew must fight to protect their way of life..More glorious Star Trek Deep Space Nine Seasons 1-7 DVD scenes are waiting for you!
Covers: nowy w folii
Disc: nowy w folii
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CD, DVD vinyle 7" - przesyłka ekonomiczna: 7zł
CD, DVD, vinyle 7" - przesyłka priorytetowa: 8zł
Winyle 10",12" - przesyłka ekonomiczna: 11zł
Winyle 10",12" - przesyłka priorytetowa: 12zł
Zestawy, Boxy: od 12zł
Przesyłka kurierska: 19zł
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