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03-06-2012, 10:53
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Zapraszam do zakupu książki:

The Darker Sex
Tales of the Supernatural and Macabre
by Victorian Women Writers

edited by


Książka używana, w języku angielskim

Stan książki: db (pofalowana część kartek)
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 245
Rok wydania: 2009

Ghosts, precognition, suicide and the afterlife are all themes in these thrilling stories by Britain and America's greatest Victorian women. Horace Walpole may have started the Gothic Fiction movement but it was three women who popularised it Clara Reeve, Mary Shelley and Anne Radcliffe. Victorian women proved they had a talent for creating dark, sensational and horrifying tales of the supernatural. This anthology showcases some of the best and most representative work by female writers during this period. Including Emily Bronte , Mary Braddon, George Eliot and Edith Nesbit, as well as Elizabeth Gaskell, Charlotte Riddell, Louisa Baldwin, Mary Penn, Violet Quirk and Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Editor Mike Ashley provides valuable insight into the authors' live and context of each story stories that still have the ability to shock and frighten  and show how Victorian women perfected and developed the Gothic genre.