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04-03-2012, 15:39
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Użytkownik secret_library
numer aukcji: 2103268576
Miejscowość Lublin
Wyświetleń: 7   
Koniec: 07-03-2012 09:38:09

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Chinese Proverb

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Książka używana, w języku angielskim

Stan książki: bdb-
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 380
Rok wydania: 1988

'The most successful attempt I know to grip the great dreaming Australian enigma by the throat and make it gargle' Evening Standard 'A wildly funny account of his travels; abounding in sharp characterization, crunching dialogue and self-parody, it actually is a book which makes you laugh out loud on almost every page ... A sharp, skilful and brilliantly funny book' Literary Review 'A marvellous read ... he is a comic explorer in the grandest mould' Financial Times 'Entertaining ... this is a book about exotic Australia - the fringes, the deserts, the opal mines, the Aborigines, and the North Queensland rednecks' Guardian

On what he calls 'the adventure of his life', Howard Jacobson travels around Australia, never entirely sure where he is heading next or whether he has the courage to tackle the wild life of the bush, the wild men of the outback, or the even wilder women of the seaboard cities. In pursuit of the best of Australian good times, he joins revelers at Uluru, argues with racists in the Kimberleys, parties with wine-growers in the Barossa and falls for ballet dancers in Perth. And even as vexed questions of national identity and Aboriginal land rights present themselves, his love for Australia and Australians never falters.