Strona o Mnie jest integralną częścią opisu aukcji. Zawarte na niej informacje są wiążące dla Kupującego, dlatego proszę o zapoznanie się z nią przed dokonaniem zakupu :)
Towar wysyłam za pośrednictwem Poczty Polskiej. Szczegółowe informacje na Stronie o Mnie.
...A book is like a garden carried in the pocket...
Chinese Proverb
Witam na mojej aukcji.
Zapraszam do zakupu książki:
Książka używana, w języku angielskim
Stan książki: db++ Oprawa: miękka Ilość stron: 752 Rok wydania: 2004
FIND ME A VILLAIN: A chance encounter seems to offer Nina an opportunity to recover from the shock of her husband divorcing her, and she agrees to house-sit for her new-found friend. But a series of anonymous telephone calls makes Nina fear she has attracted an unwelcome suitor - or is it the man who is brutally murdering women in a nearby village? Or would it be one and same person? CRIME IN QUESTION: Denis is living on the edge of society: neglected and unwanted he experiences the sort of desperation that will tip into lawlessness at the drop of a monkey wrench. And he does become an accessory to a cunningly contrived crime, only it results in murder and it seems Denis may be the next victim. THE COST OF SILENCE: Emma had been an invalid for many years, caringly looked after by her popular husband. Her brutal murder shocked even the most experienced of CID detectives, and caused a rash of dark rumours and idle conjecture throughout the quiet market town. It also created a cacophony of skeletons rattling in the most unlikely cupboards, and rapidly proved that to someone the cost of silence is death ...