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14-07-2012, 3:46
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Książka używana, w języku angielskim




Stan książki: db+++
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 247
Rok wydania: 2004

 Elisabeth Luard. Daily Mail
"A wonderful book: funny, affectionate, no hint of patronage, a true portrait of place and people, reaching deep into the flesh and bones beneath the skin. Tuck it into your holiday luggage and dream"

The Observer
"A delight"

Giles Milton. Daily Telegraph
"An exquisite account of his life as a rustic sheep-farmer. The book, Driving Over Lemons, is so darn good that he is already being talked of within the publishing industry as the new Peter Mayle"

Paul Callan. The Express
"A book that is bound to become a literary hit."

Anthony Sattin. The Sunday Times
"A lyrical portrait of a couple integrating themselves in a traditional community in the Alpujarra mountains of Andalucia, one of Europe's most beautiful regions. Stewart's writing conveys his amiability . . .he has a particularly good ear for dialogue"

Penelope Lively. Daily Telegraph
"I warmed to him. A man who buys a shack on the wrong side of a river on a barren mountainside in Andalucia, persuades his wife to take part in this folly and then sets up shop as the local sheep-shearer has to be respected. In Driving Over Lemons, the anecdote flourishes once more. . . Stewart's briskly robust style and lack of pretension keep the book rolling along."

Elizabeth Buchan. The Times
"When an author is as modest and humorous as this, it is a story that cannot be told too often. . .a quiet, sincere narration of putting his money where his mouth is. After all, fame and fortune beckoned in Genesis, and, no doubt, a mansion in Esher. Instead , on a hot night the family walk up to the pool in the river, set the candles on the rocks and slip into the water for a moonlit swim. No choice really."

Brian Boyd. The Irish Times
"In chronicling the mood swings of a life less ordinary, the game Stewart has produced a delicious slice of rural verit, a book that serves as a more realistic and slightly funkier version of Peter Mayle's rather twee (in comparison) A Year in Provence. . . .Stewart went to Spain with no money and no cultural hang-ups and became a working farmer. . . a marvellous read throughout"

Lyn Hughes. Wanderlust
"Every few weeks yet another book in which the author has bought a rustic idyll in Tuscany/France/Spain lands in our office. . .but it's rare for one to stand out from the pack. . ..Stewart manages to carve out a life and a good book. It's all told in a fresh and funny way and without recourse to over-dramatization. The story of shearing another farmer's sheep, and leaving pom-poms on their tails, in itself makes the book worth buying. Open a bottle of wine, nibble some olives and enjoy."

Who Wants To Be A Rock Star?
At age seventeen Chris retired as drummer of Genesis and launched a career as a sheep shearer and travel writer. he has no regrets about this. Had he become a big name rock star he might never have moved with his wife Ana to a remote mountain farm in Andalucía. nor forged the friendship of a lifetime with his resourceful peasant neighbour Domingo... nor watched his baby daughter Chloë grow and thrive there... nor written this book. Fate does sometimes seem to know what it’s up to. Driving Over Lemons is that rare thing: a funny, insightful book that charms you from the first page to the last... and one that makes running a peasant farm in Spain seem like a distinctly good move. Chris transports us to Las Alpujarras, an oddball region south of Granada, and into a series of misadventures with an engaging cast of peasant farmers and shepherds, New Age travellers and ex-pats. The hero of the piece, however, is the farm that he and Ana bought - El Valero, a patch of mountain studded with olive, almond and lemon groves, sited on the wrong side of a river, with no access road, water supply or electricity. Could life offer much better than that?