My eight-year-old son is the only boy in his class
who doesn't have a Gameboy. I don't want him to be
ostracized for not having one, but I worry that it's
addictive. What do you think? Our two sons are eleven
and fourteen, and they are fiercely competitive. The
tension around our house is awful. How can we help them
get along better? We've worked very hard to keep our
ten-year-old son in touch with his feelings. Sometimes
it seems as if we've put him at a disadvantage,
surrounded by tougher boys who can be pretty cruel with
teasing. How can we help him protect himself when other
boys start to tease? With his bestselling book
Raising Cain, Michael Thompson, Ph.D., at last broke the
silence surrounding the emotional life of boys and
spearheaded an important national debate. His warmth and
humor quickly made him a popular and respected
international speaker and consultant. Now he directs his
authority, insight, and eloquence to answering your
questions about raising a son. With candid questions and
thoughtful, detailed responses, Speaking of Boys covers
hot-button topics such as peer pressure, ADHD/ADD, and
body image as well as traditional issues such as
friendship, divorce, and college and career development.
This perceptive, informative, and passionate book will
leave you not only with useful, practical advice but
also with the comforting knowledge that other parents
share the same concerns you do when it comes to raising
our boys into well-adjusted, responsible men.