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Soul Of Detroit Różni Wykonawcy 3 Cd

21-10-2014, 12:02
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 29.99 zł     
Użytkownik naszamuza_com
numer aukcji: 4627789812
Miejscowość Piaseczno
Wyświetleń: 4   
Koniec: 21-10-2014 11:58:04

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: trzy i więcej
Opakowanie: w folii
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 Różni Wykonawcy  Soul Of Detroit

Różni Wykonawcy  
Soul Of Detroit 
 3  Płyty CD Audio 
Pełny opis produktu
Płyta 1.
  1. Do You Love Me - The Contours
  2. Stubborn Kind Of Fellow - Marvin Gaye
  3. You've Really Got A Hold On Me - The Miracles
  4. (He's) Seventeen - The Supremes
  5. Contract On Love - Little Stevie Wonder
  6. You Beat Me To The Punch - Mary Wells
  7. (You're My) Dream Come True - The Temptations
  8. You Deserve What You Got - Eddie Holland
  9. I'll Have To Let Him Go - Martha Reeves & The V
  10. Fire - Gino Parks
  11. I Found Myself A Brand New Baby - Mike & The Mo
  12. Big Joe Moe - Singin' Sammy Ward
  13. What's So Good About Goodbye - The Miracles
  14. Let Me Go The Right Way - The Supremes
  15. Mr Sandman - Marvin Gaye
  16. Determination - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
  17. Request Of A Fool - The Downbeats
  18. Playboy - The Marvelettes
  19. I Call It Pretty Music But . (Pt ) - Stevie Won
  20. Slow Down Heart - The Temptations
  21. The Chaperone - Labrenda Ben & The Beljeans
  22. Two Lovers - Mary Wells
  23. If It's Love (It's Alright) - Eddie Holland
  24. Because I Love Her - The Valadiers
Płyta 2.
  1. Money, That's What I Want - Barrett Strong
  2. Move Mr Man - The Contours
  3. Please Mr Postman - The Marvelettes
  4. Your Heart Belongs To Me - The Supremes
  5. I'm Yours, You're Mine - Marvin Gaye
  6. I'll Try Something New - The Miracles
  7. Paradise - The Temptations
  8. The One Who Really Loves You - Mary Wells
  9. Sunset - Little Stevie Wonder
  10. If Cleopatra Took A Chance - Eddie Holland
  11. Shop Around - The Miracles
  12. All The Love I've Got - The Marvelettes
  13. Heart - Jimmy Ruffin
  14. Everybody's Talking About My Baby - Debbie Dean
  15. Dearest One - Lamont Dozier
  16. Happy Landing - The Miracles
  17. Time Changes Things - The Supremes
  18. I Call It Pretty Music But .(Pt ) - Stevie Wond
  19. It's Not Too Late - Eddie Holland
  20. Operator - Mary Wells
  21. Too Strong To Be Strung Along - The Marvelettes
  22. Taking My Time - Marvin Gaye
  23. Zing Went The Strings Of My Heart - The Satinto
  24. That's The Way I Feel - Smokey Robinson & The M
  25. The Hunch - Paul Gayten
Płyta 3.
  1. Come To Me - Marv Johnson
  2. Don't Feel Sorry For Me - Jimmy Ruffin
  3. Soldier's Plea - Marvin Gaye
  4. What About Me - Eddie Holland
  5. For This I Thank You - Gino Parks
  6. Shake Sherrie - The Contours
  7. Strange I Know - The Marvelettes
  8. Buttered Popcorn - Diana Ross & The Supremes
  9. I'm Gonna Stay - Mary Wells
  10. Fortune Teller ( - Lamont Dozier
  11. Little Water Boy - Little Stevie Wonder
  12. My Baby . - Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
  13. Hitch Hike - Marvin Gaye
  14. Misery - Barrett Strong
  15. It's Too Bad - Mike & The Modifiers
  16. I've Been Good To You - The Miracles
  17. Whose Heart - Don Mckenzie
  18. Last Night I Had A Vision - Eddie Holland
  19. You Never Miss A Good Thing - The Miracles
  20. Isn't She Pretty - The Temptations
  21. Who Wouldn't Love A Man Like That - Mable John
  22. I Want A Guy - The Supremes
  23. Old Love (Let's Try It Again) - Mary Wells
  24. Someday, Someway - The Marvelettes
  25. While I'm Away - The Valadiers
Wydawnictwo:Not Now Music Limited Not Now Music Limited
Data wydania:2[zasłonięte]012-12