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Alchera Visions
Białobrzeska 15/69
02-370 Warszawa
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tel.: (022)[zasłonięte]609 14
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Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face Two)
- Wydawca:
- Apocalyptic Vision
- Premiera:
- 2000 r.
Standardowe wydanie w platikowym pudełku.
Officially founded in 1989, the Germany based SOPOR AETERNUS & THE ENSEMBLE OF SHADOWS is one of the last of the very few dark groups/projects in Europe (in fact, on this planet), who have based the trinity of their music, poetry and visual appearance on the explicit emphasis of the highly individual expression of pain, isolation, depression, token suicides and the desperate search for the "sacred reunion"; all conceived and acted out by SOPOR's sole protagonist the transgendered and utterly beautiful Goddess (and likewise tragically Butoh-esque creature) ANNA-VARNEY CANTODEA.
Perhaps best described as "introverted exhibitionism", the holistic concept of ANNA-VARNEY's ritualistic/Jungian art is not necessarily rooted in the grounds of a commonly accepted sense of aesthetics which is one of the many aspects that gives his/her work its serious and most unique character.
Though the music playfully fuses elements of classical, baroque, medieval, and even electronic music, the essence of SOPOR AETERNUS & THE ENSEMBLE OF SHADOWS always remains entirely "gothic".
Despite the fact that to this very day ANNA-VARNEY still refuses to perform her magic(k)al work live in front of a human audience, SOPOR AETERNUS & THE ENSEMBLE OF SHADOWS have long gathered cult status in underground circles worldwide.
Strongly recommended to be approached only with an open heart and mind, the profound darkness (and occasionally subversive humour) of ANNA-VARNEY's multi-layered (yet fragile) art is mainly intended as a spiritual healing-process for the wounded soul.
SOPOR AETERNUS &TEOS - Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face Two) |
01. Abschied 7:01
02. The Dog Burial 1:15
03. The House Is Empty Now 2:54
04. No-One Is There 6:41
05. Procession / Funeral March 6:47
06. Va(r)nitas, Vanitas... (...Omnia Vanitas) 9:06
07. The Hourglass 2:22
08. Transfiguration 5:18
09. Has He Come To Test Me? 2:08
10. If Loneliness Was All 8:40
11. Daffodils 7:22