Zapraszam do licytacji słuchawek Sony MDR-CD850 . MDR-CD850 to "młodsze siostry" legendarnego modelu MDR-CD3000. Maja ten sam kształt muszli i pałąka, a jedyna różnica miedzy nimi to materiał, z którego wykonany jest przetwornik. W CD3000 jest to bioceluloza, a w CD850 - mikrofibra. Egzemplarz, który wystawiam ma niestety dość zużyte gąbki i nieco przetarta skore na pałąku. Poza tym graja ok. Te same gąbki używane były w modelach cd750, 770, 950, 1000 i 3000, zatem można znaleźć jakieś zamienniki, np tu: . Kosztują 18 dolarow za sztukę. Na znalazłem bardzo ciekawy opis ich brzmienia po wymianie nauszników. Polecam lekturę:
Then today two sets of CD1000/3000 pads ordered last week were in the post. Not the original Sony ones but some third party stuff. And then came the surprise. Suddenly things fitted together and these cheap phones began to sing. And shine. I was and still am impressed. They are easily on the same level as the SR-225 and even come close to the RS-1. In fact they sound quite similar to the Grados with a very dynamic representation in the low registers as well as in the other ranges and with a high level of detail - and a larger soundstage. All this in a closed format! As you sure will be aware of, it is much harder to design a well balanced and open sounding closed headphone. The bass and dynamics are better than those of the closed DT770 PE (250 Ohms). In the upper ranges they even share some sonic characteristics with the DT880 PE (forward but clean presentation with mucho detail) but again are faster, especially in the low frequencies, and a bit less cold. They are not free from midrange coloration and while not being sibilant they are just a tad too forward in the highs. Then again these highs are amazingly clean. Acoustic music and especially acoustic guitars sound spectacular on these - just like on the Grados.
I jeszcze jedna ciekawostka - takich słuchawek używa Gareth Jones, odpowiedzialny za brzmienie Depeche Mode : Parametry: typ: dynamiczne, otwarte pasmo przenoszenia: 5Hz 35,000 Hz oporność: 32 Ohm Skuteczność: 102 dB/mW