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Sony HXR-FMU128 do NX5E / NEX-FS100 PROMOCJA !

02-08-2012, 5:06
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 2 999 zł     
Użytkownik bsmultimedia
numer aukcji: 2439357508
Miejscowość Tarnów
Wyświetleń: 62   
Koniec: 03-07-2012 15:56:45
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Sony HXR-FMU128 do NX5 i NEX-FS100

Moduł pamięci Flash dedykowany do kamery Sony HXR-NX5 / NEX-FS100

Pojemność - 128 GB.
Zapis SD (MPEG2 ) i HD ( AVCHD ) do 11 godzin nagrania
USB 2.0

Sony HXR-FMU128 Flash Memory Unit

Sony proudly introduces the HXR-FMU128, an optional 128-GB flash memory unit exclusively designed for the HXR-NX5U camcorder. This enables hybrid recording of video footage another world first for an AVCHD professional camcorder. Other capabilities include simultaneous recording of HD and HD video footage, and even the combination of HD and SD, realizing an instant backup in the desired format. The 128-GB storage capacity provides continuous recording for almost half a day at the highest bit-rate incredible in a unit of such compact size. This is an ideal option for recording music festivals, seminars, and weddings, and for making documentaries, all of which require extended recording times.

Simple Direct Attachment
The HXR-FMU128 is designed exclusively for this camcorder, so it attaches directly to the back of the HXR-NX5U.

Long, High-quality Recording
The memory unit enables approximately 11 hours of continuous recording in the highest FX 24-Mbps* mode.
* FX 24-Mbps mode comprises 21-Mbps of video data and 3-Mbps of audio and other data.

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