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Society and Politics in Medieval Italy 1[zasłonięte]000-13

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  • J.K. Hyde
    Society and Politics in Medieval Italy
    1973 The Macmillan Press Ltd
    226 s., 21 cm
    stan dobry (podpis, miejscami podkreślenia ołówkiem)
Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Darmowy Hosting na Zdjęcia Fotki i Obrazki Index Accursius, 84 Acre, 32. 159 aduocatus, 44 Africa: Saracens of, 19, 30; Genoese trade with, 19-20 agriculture, see rural economy Aistulf, king of the Lombards, laws of, 17 Alba, 69 Alberti, counts, 106 Alessandria, 69, 77; Benzod', 157 Alexander III, Pope, 95, 120, 127 AIexander IV, Pope, 127 Almeria, 69 Alpine passes, 68 Amalfi, 17, 20, 21, 32, 35-7 Anagni, 131 Ancona, 103; March of, 120; siege of (de Obsidtone Ancone), 89 AngloSaxons, 15, 21 Anjou: Charles of, king of Naples, 123, 128, 133, 145, 162, 163, 164; Robert of, duke of Calabria and king of Naples, igg, 145, 184, 186 Antibes, lord of, 68 Antioch, 31, 32, 36 aniiquity: cultural influence of, 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 18, 61-4, 83-4; see also civitates, Renaissance and law, Roman Antwerp, 159, 160 anziani, 112-13, n5 Aquileia, 13, 18, 33; patriarchs of, 41; Paulinus of, 18 Aragon, 125; Peter of, 130 Arezzo, 154; Geri d', 133 Aristotle, 188-9, '9°> >9*» '93 Armenia, 159 Arras, merchants of, 72 ars notaria, 89, 168 Asti, 69, 72 Ątrani, 36 Attila, 18, 61 Aurillac, St Gerard of, 16, 17, 33 Avignon, papacy transferred to, 131 Balearic Islands, Italian raids on, 31, 50.58 banks, medieval Italian, 71, 125, 127, 128, 137, 157, 158, 161-4, 185-6 Barcelona, Rayraond Berenger, count of, 69 Bardi, bank and family, 157, 159 ,163, 164, 173, 185-6 Bari, ig, 21 Basil II, Emperor, Golden Buli o£, 21 Bella, Giano delia, 136, 147, 169 Belluno, 105 Benedict XI, Pope, 138 Benevento, 14; battle of, 128, 137 Bergarao, 62 Biandrate, consuls of, 57 bishops, Italian, civic role of, 22-3, 41, 42-5, 50, 58-9, 60-1 Black Death, 178, 179, 181, 184 Black Sea, Italian trade in, 178, 179, 181, 184 Bohemia, 163; John of, 145 Bologna, 103, 133, 136; beginnings of commune, 52-4; law-school, 64, 84-6, 89-90, 95, 103; merchant guild, 74; podestd, 100-1; popolo, 111-13, lt5> n8; population, 74, 78, 154; Society of the Cross, 135; university, 90-1 Boncompagno da Signa, 87-90, 103, 107,111 Bóne (Tunisia), 29 Boniface VIII, Pope, 125, 131, 137, 138, 158, 194, 195 Bougie (North Africa), 67 Boulting, William, 4 Brescia, 149; Arnold of, 64 Brolo, Moses de, 62 Bruges, Italian trade with, 160-3 passim Butler, W., 4 Butrinto, Nicholas of, 141 Buondelmonti, Buondelmonte dei, 121 224 Byzaniium, 7. 8. 3^ influence in Italy, 13-20 passim, 29; see also Constantinople INDEX Conradin of Hohenstaufen, 123, 128, 133. *45 consorterie, 56—7, 76, 104-7 Constance, Peace of, 86, 98-9, 101, Caesarea, 51 Caetani family, 130-1; Benedict, see Boniface VIII Caffaro, 51 Cairo, 20 Camino, Da, family, 150; Gherardo da, 151; Riccardoda, 138 Campaldino, battle of, 135 Caraposanpiero family, 121 Candia (Crete), 159 Canossa, Donizone da, 33 capitano dcl popolo, 113-14 Cardinals, College of, 126 Carolingian Italy, 17-19, 38-9, 42-3 Castelfranco Veneto, 77 Cathar heresy, 65 Cavalcante, Guido, 176-7 Cerchi family, 172-3; Vieri dei, 137, 172 Cerea, 27 Ceuta, Italian trade with, 67 Champagne, fairsof, 69, 72, 161, 162 Charlemagne, 15, 18, 38, 39, 41, 43; Donation of, 120 Chieri, 69, 72 chivalry, 174-5 Church and State, relations in Italy, 99, 117, 190, 193-6; see also bishops and papacy Cicero, 83, 90, g2 Cittadella, 77 ewitates of antiquity, 12-13, 42, 44 Clement IV, Pope, 126 Clement V, Pope, 131, 136, 196 Cluny, St Odo, abbot of, 16, "17 coinage, see currency Colonna family, 125, 126, 130, 137 Comacchio, 21 communes: Italian, characteristies of, 8, 48-60, 96-104, 190-3; see also popolo Como, 156 Compagni, Dino, 172, 173, 17C-7 Conegliano, 105 confraternities, religious, 80, 90, 117, Conrad II, Emperor, 28. 40. 45, 46 Conrad IV, king of Sicily, 127 107 Constantine, Donation of, 39 Constantinople, 15-16, 21, 32, 36, 70, 159; Latin Empire of, 70, 128; Roman emperors at, 13, 15; see also Justinian Constitutio de feudis, 28 consuls, 50-4, 63, 96, 97, gg, 100, 101 Corneto, 33 Correggio, Gherardo da, 138, 148, 150 Corsica, 59 counts, 41-3; palatine, 98 Crassus, Peter, 63 Cremona, 103, 115, 121 Crimea, Italian trade with, 159 Crusades, 31, 49, 50, 51, 58, 66, 125, 173; Fourth, 70; Louis IX's, 72-3 Cunibert, king of Lombards, 22 curiae, ancient, decline of, 42 curia militum, 44, 55 currency, 17, 26, 98, 162; gold, 72, 157 Cyprus, 159, 163 Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa and papai legate, 31, 50, 51, 56, 61 Damian, Peter, 26 Dante Alighieri: education, 92, 188; political life and ideals, 124, 130, 137-8, 191, 195-6, 197; social ideals, 7, 150-1, 165, 166, 169, 172, 175*6, 197 Desio, battle of, 133, 150 Dolce stil nuovo, 175 Donati, Corso, 136, 147 education, 7, 34-5, 90-3, 167 Edward I, king of England, 131, 164 Edward II, 164 Edward III, 164, 185-6 Embriaco family of Genoa, 69 Empire, medieval, 1, 23, 40-4, 46, 65-6, 85, 95; idealised by Dante, 138, 191, 195-6; Italian nobility and, 121-a, 141; signoria and, 12S-3, 149-50, 195 Empire, Roman, bieakdown of, in West, 12-13 England: Italian bankcrs in, 164, i8r,_e- wool tradc, 69, 160, 162, .64 Esiefamily, 121, 14S, H3"5. '93^ Aziro Vlld 82, 122-3- '44> Obizzo d', 136, 144 Famagusta, 159 Fava, Guido, 8g Ferrara, 33, 99; Este signoria of, 123, •36, 143-5; seized by papacy, 136, 195; shoemakers' guild, 80; Riccobaldo da, 144, 165, 169. 172 Fieschi family, 71 Flanders, 69, 157, 158, 185 Florence, 124, 139, 141, 196; army and finance, 183, 186; arti maggiori, 73-4. 169; badia of, 25; bankers, 127. 157-64. 185-6; BJacks and Whites, 13&-8, 147; constitmion, "3-15; governing class, 168-g; Guelphs and GhibeHines, 121, 133-6, 147, 192; population and wealth, 72, 74, 153, 154- 155-6. ■ 57- 158. l83 Fontana, Aldrigherio de, 144 France. , 6-7, 68, 69, 126, 153, 158, 185; cultural influence on Italy, 92, 175. '88 Frangipane faroily, 35 Frankish Italy, see Carolingian Italy Franzesi, banking family, 164 Fraxinetum, 19 Frederick I Barbarossa, Emperor, 64, 65. 69, 74, 85, 95, 96, 98, 101, ng Frederick II, Emperor, 1, 66, 86, 95, 108, 110, 119-23, 125, 126, 127, 132, Freising, Otto of, 166 Frejus, 68 Frescobaldi, Giovanni, 172 Frescobaldi Bianchi, bank of the, 164 Mars, 65, 117, 188 Gabotlo, F., 105 Oaeta, 21 Gandino, Ąlberto da, 90 Garigliano river, 19 Genoa: commerce and population, 2&-32, 66-73, 153-162, i8i;laws andcommune, 51-2, 59, 96-7, 104; viscountsof, 71 ^ ^ ' * Alberto, marquis of, 51 Germany, Italian trade with. 163 Gibelet (JubaU), 66 Giotto, 179 Girolarai, Remigio, 140, 155—6, 165, 188, 191 Gonzaga family, signori of Mantua, 142 Gothic war, 13 Grand Company, 184 Gregory VII, Pope, 36, 49, 53, 62 Gregory VIII, anti-pope, 64 Gregory IX, Pope, 95, 120 Gregory X, Pope, 129, 137, 173 Guelphs and Ghibellines, 4, 132-41, '44- '49- 183, 195 guilds: origins of, 79-82; political role of, 73-4, 108, 111, 112, 113, 115 Guiscard, Robert, 31 Habsburg: Albert of, 131; Rudolph of, 129, 138, 149 Henry II, Emperor, 40, 46 Henry III, Emperor, 34, 41, 49, 63 Henry III, king of England, 127, 128 Henry IV, Emperor, 36, 49, 53, 63 Henry V, Emperor, 53, 64, 95 Henry VI, Emperor, 65, 86, 120 Henry VII of Luxemburg, Emperor, 138-9, 142, 145, 149, 184, 187,195 heresy, 65, 117 humanists: of fourteenth century, 179; of fifteenth century, 93, 179, 197 Hungary, 163 Hyeres, 68 Ibn Hawqal, 19 Innocent III, Pope, 120 Innocent IV, Pope, 120, 125, 127, 159 Irwestiture Contest, 49, 53 Irnerius, 64, 84, 85 Jerusalem, 32, 36, 66 John VIII, Pope, 20 John X, Pope, 19 John XXII, Pope, 131, 140, 195, 196 judges, 34-5, 63-4, 116, 166-8, 169 Justinian, Emperor, 13; Corpus luris Cwilis of, 83-4, 119; sec also law, Roman land: prices of, 26; reclamation, 25-6, 75-7; tenure, 5, 25-7, 79, 180-81; see also rural economy Langosco, Filippo de, 138, 141 226 I.aon, risingof communeat, 48 La Rochclle, 160 Latin Empire, sce Constantinople Latini, Brunetto, 91-3 Latino (Malabranca), Cardinal, 135 Lavagna, counts of, 71 law: feudal, 28, 43, 85, 107; Lombard, 14. '7- 34- 4*»> 8.rv Roman, 2, 6, 23, 63-4. 83-6, 98, 119 Leyanttrade, 66-8, 71 Lewis of Bavaria, Emperor, 140, 178, 184, if)3. »94. !97 loans: commercial, 71, 82, 158; to princcs, 164. 185-6; state, 73, 97, 182; sce also banks lombard League, 98, 101 Lombards. 13, 14, 15, 17. 22, 32; kingdom of, 15, 38-9 Lomello. counts of, 47 London, 153,159, 160,161,163 Lothar I, Emperor, 18 Louis II, Emperor, 23 Louis IX, king of France, 128; crusade of, 72, 73 Lucca, 33, 133, 134, 154, 157, 164, 178, 184, 186; societd d'armi at, 111; Anselm of, 33; Ptolemy of, 189 Luni, 33 magnates, 118, 146-7; laws against, 146, 168, 170 Magyars, 24, 27 Mahdia, Italian expedition against, 30, 36, 50, 61 Malispina, Saba, 133 Malombra, Riccardo, 167 Manelli family of Florence, 171 Manfred of Hohenstaufen, king of Sicily, 123, 127, 128, 133 rnanorialism. 5, 14, 25, 79 Manuel I, Emperor of Byzantium, 70 itiarchiones, 41—3 Marseilles, 68 Marsiglio of Padua, 187-98 Martin IV, Pope, 125, 127, 137, 162 Matilda, countess of Tuscany, 50, 53 Maurizio, Gerardo, 108-10 Mauro family of Amalfi, 35-7 Medici family of Florence, na 163 186 3 mercenaries, 134, 178, 183 merchant class, 7, 35-7 7,-4 I4I 1.18-64, ,68-g, I7,-7 Messina, 19, 153 mezzadria, 181 Milan, 13, 18, 40, 101, 121, 122, 138. 139, 141, 153; archbishopric of, 41, 45- 49- 59- 60-61; capitanei and vavassores of, 28, 56, 60, 108; constitution and legislation of commune, 56, 99, 104, 107; Pataria of, 33-4, 55-6; population and economy, 26, 74-6, 153-6 Aribert, archbishop of, 45, 60; Landulph Carcano, archbishop of, 28 military service, 17,81, 116, 183 ministeria, 79-80 Mirabilia urbis Romc, 62 Modena, 22-4, 61, 111, 133, 136, 15 J; Bencdict, bishop of, 50; Leodoisio. bishop of, 22-3; St Gimignano, bishop of, 22, 24, 61 Mongols, 159 Montaperti, battle of, 127, 133, 137 Montecassino : abbey of, 36; Aime of, 36; Desiderio, abbot of, 36 Montefeltro, Guido da, 145 Monte Gargano, 36 Montferrat, marquesses of, 45; Guglielmo da, 145 Montpellier, 68, William VII, count of, 68 Monza, 40 Morocco, trade with, 67-8, 160 Muratori, L. A. 4-5 Mussato, Albertino, 150 Naples. 17, 19, 20, 153, 157; Angevin conquest of, 128-9; university of, 86, 91, 119 Nicholas III (Orsini), Pope, 120-30, '35. 137 Nicholas IV, Pope, 150 nobility, 6-7, 82, 103, 106, 117-18, 141, 174; Dante's ideał of, 154. 175-7; alleged decline of, 169-70. 174-6; and the Empire, 41, 121-2, 141; and the signorie, 147, 17° Orsini family, 130 Orvieto, 11 Otto I, Emperor, 40, 46, 85 Otto III. Emperor, 26, .(O. 41. 46 Oi oIVo( Br ick. Emperor. i Padua, 77, 1*2, 136. '38. 156. '58: ronstiiution of, 115, 187-8, 189, ig^; university of, 84, 91; set: alsn Marsiglio of PaJavicino, Oberto, 82, 122, 123- '35- Paleologus, Michael VIII, Emperor of Byzantiuin, 70, 130 Palermo, 19, 20, 30, 49, 130, 153 Palmieri, Matteo, Delia vita cwile of, 8 pantaleone family of Amalfi, 35-7 papacy, political role of, 38, 39, 41, 49,95, 120, 124-31, 132, 133, 136-41, 194-6 Papai States, 38, 95, 120, 125-6, 142, »95 Paris, 161, 163; university of, 188 parlamentum, 51, 52, 54-5 Parma, 69, 103, 136, 138, 154; commune and Society of the Cross at, 135; signoria at, 148 Partecipazio family of Venice, 20-1 parties, political, 120-1, 145, 147-8; see also Guelphs and Ghibellines Pasignano, 78 Passaggieri, Rolandino, 89, 168, i6g Pałaria, 33-4, 55-6 Pavia, 16, 17, 40, 69, 76, 138, 141; Honorande of, 21-2, 45—6; lawyers of, 34, 46, 47, 63; royal pałace at, '3- 15.39.45-6 Pegolotti, Francesco di Balduccio, 158-63, 186 Peking, 159 Pepin III, king of the Franks, 38, 39; Donation of, 120 Pepin, son of Charlemagne and king ofItaly, 39 Perugia, Ranieri da, 89 Perimibank, 157, ]63, 185-6 Petrarch, 89, 92, 179 Piacenza, 69, 73, 98, 103; merchants ot>73. 157. 158, i73:riseof Popolo at, 108; signoria of Scotti at i7 Pisa amily Of , 35 '■ '34. 141, 184; economy and Population, 33, „, ,4, 154; law a>des, 85, 86, 98-9; naval l4*. 15° Rome, ancient, rivilisation of, 2, 3, 6, 11-15, 6l~2- X79' see also civitates, rhetoric, Renaissance and law, Roman Rome: commune of, 59-60; medieval, 14, 15, 16, 17, 35, 36, 46, 128, 129, 153; Mirabilia, 62 Roncaglia, 46; Diet of, 85-6, 101 Rossi family of Parma, 148 rural economy, 11, 12, 14, 25-6, 28, 74-6, 78-9, 156-7, 180-1 228 INI St Ambrose, 60; credenza di S- Ambrogio, 108-9 St Augustine, 189 St Barnabas, legend of, 61, 62 St Francis, 2, 65 St Zeno of Verona, 61 St Gilles: Alphonso Jordan, count of, 68; town, 68 St Gimignano of Modena, 22, 24, 61 Salerno, 14, 17, 20, 21; Alfano da, 62; Gisulf, prince of, 35, 36 Salimbene, Fra, 6-7, 170 Salvemini, Gaetano, 140 Saluzzo, marquesate of, 45 Samaritano, Adal berto, 86 San Gimignano, 78, 158; Folgore da, 171 Saracens, 19-20, 29-31 Sardinia, 29, 31, 59, 66, 69 Sasso, Guido de, 100-1 Scala, Delia, family of Verona, 142, 149, 173, 183, 187, 193; Alberto delia, 136; Cangrande delia, 151, 173, 187; Mastino delia, 173 scholasticism, 2, 5-6, 188 Scotd family of Piacenza, 173-4; Alberto Scotto, 142, 174 Scriba, Giovanni, 67 serfdom, 26, 27, 106 Sforza signoria of Milan, 142 Sicilian Vespers, 2, 130 Sicily: Angevin kingdom of, 128, 130, 131; Frederick II and, 119, 121; Normans in, 2g, 30, 31, 32, 69; Saracen conąuest of, 19; trade of, 66 Siena: bankers of, 127, 157, 162; dominus cwitatis at, 100; law at, 85; regime of the Ninę at, 169; situation and growth of, u, 181 Signa, 25; see also Boncompagno da signoria: institution of, 82, 122-3, 141-52; opposed to ideology of communes, 150-1, 193; resulisof. 170, 178, 18&-7 slavery, decline of, 26 societa d'armi, 111-12, 115, 118, 148 Society of the Cross, 135, 168 Spain, 19, 69 Spoleto, 14; house of, 41; March of, 120; Guido da, Emperor, 23 Tabriz, 159 Tagliacozzo, battle of, is8, 129 Tana, 159 Tarquinea, 33 taxation, 42, 52, 97, 116, 180-4 Theodoric the Ostrogoth, 13 Third Orders, 155, 171 Thomas, William, 7 Torelli, Salinguerra, of Ferrara, 144 Torre, Delia, family of Milan, 133, 139, 148, 149; Guido delia, 138; Napoleone delia, 142, 149 Tortona (Picdmont), 69 Tortosa (Spain), 69 Toulouse, Alfonso Jordan, count of, 68 Tunis, 163 Tuscany, 84, 95, 107, 127, 129, 131; marąuesses of, 45, 50, 53; Beatrice, countess of, 33; Matilda, countess or marchioness of, 50, 51, 53 Tyre, 32 Ubaldini family of Florence, 134 Udine, 33 universities of students, 84, 86 90-1 Urban II, Pope, 49, 56 Urban IV, Pope, 127, 137 Urslingen, Werner von, 184 Valois, Charles of, 131, 137. 158. i6j Varese, 34 Velluti faraily of Florence, 171 vendetta, 56, 121, 171-2 Venetia, 15, 18 Venice: commerce and merchants of, 16-17, 18, 20-1, 31-2, 66, 70, 128, 137, 162; patricians of, 8, 20-1; political development of, 20, 59-60, 141, 167; population of, 153; state loans at, 97, 182 Vercelli: merchants of, 72; Atto of, 26; Leo, bishop of, 26-7 Verona, 13, 18, 141; cathedral chapter of, 27; commune of, 61, 100, 135; Da Romano signoria and popolo of, 109-10, 112, 122; land redamation at, 76; Delia Scala signoria of, 151, 157- >73- l87> 188 Via Francigena, 16, 69 uicedominus, 44, 50 Vicenza, 122, 187; rise of popolo at. 108-10, na; John of, no vicinanze, 108, 111