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Smetana BARTERED BRIDE Musilova, Zidek, Kalas

08-03-2012, 6:38
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 44 zł     
Użytkownik koszur
numer aukcji: 2111069244
Miejscowość Szczecin
Wyświetleń: 8   
Koniec: 10-03-2012 18:33:06

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: dwie
Opakowanie: w folii
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Smetana - Milada Musilova, Ivo Zidek, Karel Kalas - 2CD
Prodana navesta (The Bartered Bride)
 Nośnik  Wydawca Cena   Waluta
 CD2  Supraphon 44
  Opis albumu

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During the course of the 20th century Smetana's The Bartered Bride had numerous complete recordings which documented the interpretational mastery of the artists associated with Prague's National Theatre. Supraphon is now releasing the first-ever CD of this underrated recording of the production conducted by Jaroslav Vogel, which for a long time - primarily in the shadow of Zdenek Chalabala's and Zdenek Kosler's celebrated albums - has awaited rediscovery. The twenty-five-year-old Ivo Zidek (Jenik) and the twenty years older Oldrich Kovar (Vasek) appear here in their pivotal roles. You can also look forward to savouring the stellar performances of Milada Musilova (Marenka), Karel Kalas (Kecal) and other singers.
>>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
conductor Jaroslav Vogel
chorus master Vladivoj Jankovsky
bass Karel Kalas
bass Ladislav Mraz
bass Zdenek Otava
contralto Marie Vesela
tenor Ivo Zidek
tenor Oldrich Kovar
tenor Karel Hruska
baritone Vaclav Bednar
soprano Milada Musilova
soprano Stepanka Stepanova
soprano Jarmila Pechova
Prague National Theatre Orchestra

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