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Smart Curling: How
to Perfect Your Game Through Mental
Training |
DETAILS: Author: Vera
Pezer Language: English Publisher: Fifth House
Publishers Publication Date: 15 Aug 2008 Dimensions: 22.4 x 15.2 x 1.3 cm Format:
Paperback Pages: 177 Condition: NEW Product_ID: 1D97B5B03X
Success in curling demands outstanding skill and
strategy, but getting and keeping the champion's edge
requires even more. Exceptional psychological skill is
imperative. Ask the experts. In ''Smart Curling,''
champion Vera Pezer uncovers these secrets for those who
are committed to curling excellence. Winner of countless
championships, she knows all about ''hurrying hard''
while keeping her cool to win. From the perspective of
competitor and that of sports psychologist, Pezer
illustrates how to maximize motivation and concentration
while effectively managing stress and distractions. She
teaches about self regulators and confidence and
outlines the relationship between practice and
competition. She helps players understand and practice
excellent communication - verbal and nonverbal. And she
outlines team dynamics to understand and work with the
various personalities and roles of team members and
coaches. Loads of examples and illustrations elucidate
the sound theory in ''Smart Curling'' while its
worksheets (downloadable from the internet) are designed
to help players complete the exercises required to
perfect their game through mental training. |
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