Antal Parody Shite's Unoriginal Miscellany
Among a mass of arcane, vital, or merely fascinating information--semaphore signals, flowerpot sizes, gestation periods for small mammals, Oxbridge colleges, and Indian tribes at the Little Big Horn--priceless snippets that a reader may one day need to know are offered, such as things to say to your mother on her birthday, sightings of dead celebrities, organ enlargement, and of course, things to do with mashed potatoes. Here, too, is information that will come in handy when you least expect it, from pick-up lines and ways to end a romance and from popular irritants to song titles. Bizarrely ordered and insanely edited, this blend of humor and knowledge provide a superior recipe for instant laughter. A. Parody's previous books include "Old Shite's Almanac "and "Shitedoku."
Język: angielski Oprawa: twarda Liczba stron: 162 Stan książki: używana, bdb
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