Sister Wendy's Nativity
by Sister Wendy Beckett
New York 1988
Stron 95, format: 23,5x26 cm
Papier kredowy
76 kolorowych reprodukcji z kodeksów śreniowiecznych
Książka w bardzo dobrym stanie, delikatnie przetarte rogi obwoluty.
Sister Wendy's Nativity looks anew at the Christmas story and invites us to consider the true significance of Christ's life. Her personal selection of over 40 beautiful paintings from manuscripts held by the Vatican and Italian State Libraries (many seen here for the first time) illustrate stories that are familiar to all of us, yet whose significance is so often elusive.
Sister Wendy begins the story by looking at the events that preceeded the birth of Christ - the Creation, the Garden of Eden, the Annunciation, the Visitation leading us to the Nativity story itself - the birth in the stable, the shepherds, the magi. The story continues with much-loved episodes from Christ's time on earth - the Feeding of the five thousand, Peter walking on the water. The Last Supper. Finally, she reflects upon the meaning of the crucifixion, resurrection and Christ's eventual ascension into heaven to embrace eternal life.
The charming, provocative and often humorous illustrations in this book are the testament of artists who dedicated their lives to producing paintings in praise of God. Sister Wendy blends her artistic knowledge with her spiritual insight in order to help us understand the meaning contained for all of us in their exquisite pictures. About the Manuscripts
The Story Begins... 11
PREPARING THE WAY 12 The Creation 14 Adam and Eve 16 The Tree of Jesse 20 The Annunciation 22 The Annunciation (II) 24 The Visitation 26 The Visitation (II) 28 Joseph's Dream 30
THE HOLY BIRTH 32 The Nativity 34 The Nativity (II) 36 The Nativity (III) 38 The Nativity (IV) 40 The Shepherds 42 The Shepherds (II) 44 The Magi 46 The Magi (II) 48 JESUS AMONG US 50 The Flight into Egypt 52 The Flight into Egypt (II) 54 The Feeding of the Five Thousand 56 Peter Walking on the Water 58 The Last Supper 60 Judas' Betrayal 62 Peter's Denial 64 Peter's Repentance 66 The Passion 68
DEATH AND RESURRECTION 70 The Deposition 72 Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb 74 Death and Resurrection 76 The Resurrection 78 The Empty Tomb 80 Mary Magdalen at the Tomb 82 The Ascension 84 The Ascension (II) 86 The Coming of the Holy Spirit 88 The Death to Glory 90 Heaven 92 Index 94 Picture Sources 95
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