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Sirit Infinity RFID & Barcode Czytnik 13,56MHz

11-06-2012, 20:03
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 58 zł     
Użytkownik mik27123
numer aukcji: 2351278943
Miejscowość Katowice
Wyświetleń: 47   
Koniec: 26-05-2012 12:32:36

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Uszkodzony: Nie
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Sirit Infinity 186 Dual RFID

& Bar Code Module 13,56MHz

RFID i Kod kreskowy
Profesjonalny Czytnik - programator firmy SIRIT.

Sirit to powazny producent urzadzen RFID

( jest glownym dostawca sprzetu w USA i Europie do identyfikacji na autostradach ).
Czytniki uzywane byly tylko w warunkach laboratoryjnych.

Wysylam zestaw jak na zdjeciu :
- Czytnik Sirit Infinity 186 zamontowany na plycie I/O ( zasilanie oraz cyfrowe wejscia i wyjscia.).
- Oprogramowanie na CD
- Antena RFID

oryginalny zasilacz dolaczam za 35zl

Wersja przemyslowa

Wiecej na www.sirit.com

fi nity 186 dual technology embedded reader module combines

a high performance laser scan engine and a class-leading RFID reader with

integrated antenna to provide a single unit capable of reading standard bar

code symbologies and most leading 13.56 MHz tags.

Designed to retrofi t into industry standard form factors, systems integrators and

OEMs can now easily incorporate high performance scanning and RFID reading

into new or existing products, and can benefit

immediately from the exceptional performance this

module provides.

Regardless of the type of 1D bar code or high

frequency RFID information you have to collect,

the IN

fi nity 186 dual technology reader engine can

handle the job. Combining the two technologies in

one compact package produces a unifi ed, effi cient reader and simplifi es the

process of adding RFID tag reading capabilities to equipment that heretofore

had been limited to bar code scanning only.


This product is ideally suited for use in industrial handheld terminals in item

tracking applications, robotics, point of sale terminals, vending machines and

medical equipment.

finity 186 - RFID & Bar Code INfi nity 187 - RFID Only

Dimensions (LxWxD): 40. 4 x 25.4 x 19.1 mm (1.60 x 1.00 x .75 in.)

Weight: IN

finity 186 -16 g (0.56 oz.) INfi nity 187 - 16 g (0.56 oz.)

Mounting: Single tapped M2 screw hole with locating pin


Operating Temperature: IN

finity 186: -20°C to +55°C (-4°F to 131°F)


finity 187: -20°C to +70°C (-4°F to 158°F)

Storage Temperature: IN

finity 186: -40ºC to +60ºC (-40ºF to 140ºF)


finity 187: -40ºC to +85ºC (-40ºF to 185ºF)

Relative Humidity: <80% non-condensing


Input Voltage: +5 VDC ±5%, <50 mV ripple

Active Current: 200 mA (RF carrier on)

150 mA (bar code scanner on)

Standby Current: <1 mA (typ), peripheral electronics dependent

Idle: 75 mA

RF Output Power: 120 mW (typ)

Regulatory: FCC Part 15

Frequency: HF Band, 13.56 MHz

Supported Transponders: ISO 15693, Inside PicoTag, Philips I•CODE, Microchip

MCRF355/360, TI-RFID Tag-it, EPCglobal HF

Supported 1D Symbologies: UPC/EAN, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, Interleaved 2 of 5,

Discrete 2 of 5, Codabar, MSI

Communications Protocol: Serial packet based with proprietary error detection

Communications Parameters: 19200/[zasłonięte]/4800/2400/1200/600/300 bps,

8 data bits, odd/even/mark/space/ no parity, 1-2 stop bits

Communications Signal Level: TTL level

Interface Connector: 12-way ZIF connector for power and communications

Antenna Type: Integrated antenna

Upgradeable Firmware: Yes