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08-03-2012, 5:46
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 89.89 zł     
Użytkownik dorianDVD
numer aukcji: 2106092939
Miejscowość częstochowa
Zostało sztuk: 2    Wyświetleń: 25   
Koniec: 08-03-2012 11:40:08

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Opakowanie: w folii
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Simple Minds
X5 (6CD)
PREMIERA! Wysyłamy po 13 lutym 2012
płyta nowa w folii oryginał gwarancja
CD 1:
1. Someone
2. Life In A Day
3. Sad Affair
4. All For You
5. Pleasantly Disturbed
6. No Cure
7. Chelsea Girl
8. Wasteland
9. Destiny
10. Murder Story
11. Special View
12. Garden Of Hate

CD 2:
1. Reel To Real
2. Naked Eye
3. Citizen (Dance Of Youth)
4. Carnival (Shelter In A Suitcase)
5. Factory
6. Cacophony
7. Veldt
8. Premonition
9. Changeling
10. Film Theme
11. Calling Your Name
12. Scar
13. Kaleidoscope
14. Film Theme Dub
15. Premonition (Live At Hurrah's Club New York 24/10/79)

CD 3:
1. I Travel
2. Today I Died Again
3. Celebrate
4. This Fear Of Gods
5. Capital City
6. Constantinople Line
7. Twist / Run / Repulsion
8. Thirty Frames A Second
9. Kant Kino
10. Room
11. New Warm Skin
12. I Travel (Extended Mix)
13. Celebrate (Extended Mix)

CD 4:
1. In Trance As Mission
2. Sweat In Bullet
3. 70 Cities As Love Brings The Fall
4. Boys From Brazil
5. Love Song
6. This Earth That You Walk Upon
7. Sons And Fascination
8. Seeing Out The Angel
9. Sweat In Bullet (Extended Remix)
10. In Trance As Mission (Live At Hammersmith Odeon London 25/9/81)
11. This Earth That You Walk Upon (Instrumental)

CD 5:
1. Theme For Great Cities
2. The American
3. 20th Century Promised Land
4. Wonderful In Young Life
5. League Of Nations
6. Careful In Career
7. Sound In 70 Cities
8. The American (Extended Mix)
9. League Of Nations (Live At Hammersmith Odeon, London)

CD 6:
1. Someone Somewhere (In Summertime)
2. Colours Fly And Catherine Wheel
3. Promised You A Miracle
4. Big Sleep
5. Somebody Up There Likes You
6. New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84)
7. Glittering Prize
8. Hunter And The Hunted
9. King Is White And In The Crowd
10. Promised You A Miracle
11. Glittering Prize (Club Mix)
12. Someone Somewhere (In Summertime) (Extended Mix)
13. Soundtrack For Every Heaven
14. New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84) (German 12" Remix)
15. In Every Heaven [IDS72838]
spis utworów:
dystrybutor: Pomaton EMI