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03-03-2012, 23:17
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Wydanie oryginalne w idealnym stanie, nieużywane


UWAGA !!! Filmy nieme !!!

Tytuł oryginalny: SILENT CLASSICS (5DVD)

Obsada: John Barrymore, Max Schreck, Paul Wegener
Reżyseria: Paul Wegener

Czas: 356 minut
Region: 2 PAL (Europa, Polska)
Języki: angielski
Napisy: brak polskich, angielskie

Dodatki: brak

Zestaw zawiera:

Der Golem
The story centres on a Jewish community threatened with removal from the city under proclamation from the Emperor, which is the head Rabbi, Rabbi Loew predicted in the stars. Constructing a Clay Man to stop his oppression and calling upon ancient powers in a magical amulet the creature is brought to life to protect its people.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
John Barrymore's performance in this classic 1920's adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's novel, caused many critics at the time to acclaim him the greatest screen actor yet. With virtually no make-up and minimal camera-trickery, Barrymore relied on his considerable acting skills and his ability to contort his features (to the extent of dislocating his jaw), in order to make the transformation from the handsome, respectable Dr. Jekyll, to the hideous, debased Mr. Hyde, a veritable tour de force.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Victor Hugo's novel of a horribly deformed hunchback bellringer at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris who saves the beautiful gypsy girl Esmerelda, is brought vividly to life in this classic movie from the silent era. Allegedly spending three and a half hours in the make-p chair and wearing a seventy two pound rubber hump. Chaney's characterization of the hunchback, Quasimodo truly brings out the pathos of the poor creature. Universal gave the film the full treatment with massive sets and a cast of 3,500 yet with all this, Chaney still manages to steal the film with a unique performance.

Made in 1922, on location in the Carpathians and several Baltic Towns, Nosferatu is in all but name Bram Stokers Dracula with the lead names changed. Starring Max Schreck as Nosferatu the film relies heavily on lighting, shadow and pictorial compensation. Following closely Bram Stokers novel, Stokers wife took offence and won her case against the producers forcing them to destroy all prints. Luckily a couple survived.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
At a fairground a Dr. Caligari has a somnambulist, Cesare who can predict the future. When a young man visits him and asks how long he will live the answer is until Dawn. The prophecy comes to pass and Cesare is the prime suspect. Cesare next kidnaps the young mans girlfriend but while escaping is chased by the townfolks. Caligari is another fine example of early German Cinema combining effectively sets, lighting, shadows and moody camerawork.