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21-05-2014, 11:31
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 609 zł     
Użytkownik EventSerwis
numer aukcji: 4219322112
Miejscowość kłaj
Wyświetleń: 21   
Koniec: 21-05-2014 11:21:28

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Straight 2000mm


The Showtec PRO-30 truss is made of 50mm alu-pipe with a thickness of 2mm and 16mm braces.  This is the most used construction system for discotheques, stages, theatres and suitable for many more applications. The PRO-30 is available in following models: 2 point step system (S), 3 point triangle system (T) and 4 points square system (Q). The system elements are joined with help of conical connection coupling. Showtec offers 3 different coupling systems with different compatibility shown in the below overview. All Showtec Pro-30 truss systems are TÜV certificated. To recognize your truss system you can check the diameter at the pin insert part of your spigot.
P Truss Compatible with standard Milos truss systems (Ø 29,8mm)
F Truss  Compatible with Prolyte truss systems (Ø 27,8mm)
G Truss Compatible with Global & Euro truss systems (Ø 29,0mm)
Each PRO-30 truss item contains connector sets for every side, except one side.

The Showtec PRO-30 truss is made of 50mm alu-pipe with a thickness of 2mm and 16mm braces.  This is the most used construction system for discotheques, stages, theatres and suitable for many more applications. The PRO-30 is available in following models: 2 point step system (S), 3 point triangle system (T) and 4 points square system (Q). The system elements are joined with help of conical connection coupling. Showtec offers 3 different coupling systems with different compatibility shown in the below overview. All Showtec Pro-30 truss systems are TÜV certificated. To recognize your truss system you can check the diameter at the pin insert part of your spigot.
P Truss Compatible with standard Milos truss systems (Ø 29,8mm)
F Truss  Compatible with Prolyte truss systems (Ø 27,8mm)
G Truss Compatible with Global & Euro truss systems (Ø 29,0mm)
Each PRO-30 truss item contains connector sets for every side, except one side.
