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Shout To The Lord with Hillsong Music Australia Wydawnictwo: DR Numer katalogowy: C02086 Inne cechy pozycji: With Hillsong Music Australia With Hillsong Music Australia. Featuring Daelene Zschech. The albums that changed the way we worship. Wydanie specjalne jednego z najsłynniejszych koncertów
SPIS UTWORÓW : CD 1 ''Shout To The Lord'':
1. Let the Peace Of God Reign Darlene Zschech 2.I Believe The Presence Darlene Zschech 3. People Just Like Us Darlene Zschech 4. Jesus, Jesus Darlene Zschech 5. I Will Never Be Darlene Zschech 6. Jesus Lover Of My Soul Darlene Zschech 7. Show Me Your Ways Darlene Zschech 8. All The Power You Need Darlene Zschech 9. The Power Of Your Love Darlene Zschech 10. This Kingdom Darlene Zschech 11. Father Of Creation Darlene Zschech 12.Shout To The Lord Darlene Zschech
CD 2 ''Shout To The Lord 2'': 1. Can't Stop Talking Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 2.Friends In High Places Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 3. God Is In The House Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 4. All Things Are Possible Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 5. Jesus Is Alive Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 6. Breathe On Me Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 7. My Heart Will Trust Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 8. The Potter's Hand Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 9. Love You So Much Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 10. That's What We Came Here For Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 11. My Redeemer Lives Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 12. God Is Good Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 13. Shout To The Lord Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 14. Glory To The King Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 15. Eagle's Wings Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter 16. Hear Our Praises Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaughter | Regulamin
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