Shibori is one of the world's richest textile
traditions in the world. Commonly associated with Japan,
it is also used in Africa, India and South America.
Shibori is the Japanese term (from the word 'to squeeze
or wring'), for the dye-resist technique of binding,
clamping or gathering the cloth so that the dye cannot
reach certain parts. This results in that most powerful
of combinations - a carefully structured design with the
organic freedom of the unpredictable. In recent years a
resurgence of the art has brought out its full potential
and author Janice Gunner's book is aimed at quilters,
embroiderers and textile artists who not only want to
master the techniques of shibori but also find ways of
using the fabric once created for a range of textile
techniques including quilting and embroidery. The book
briefly covers the historical and cultural background
before explaining clearly, with step-by-step
instructions, how to make a wide range of stunning
fabric. It covers: tied resist, stitched resist, wrapped
resist, clamp resist, folded and pleated resist, heat
set techniques, discharge dyeing techniques, immersion
and other dyeing techniques.Illustrated throughout with
new and old shibori examples, and many finished quilted
and embroidered pieces that have incorporated shibori
techniques, to show the full potential of the
art. |