Wysyłka wszystkich wylicytowanych kart w jednej, dobrze zabezpieczonej przesyłce. Koszt nadania paczki według cennika Poczty Polskiej, w zależności od wagi kupionych kart.
Możliwy odbiór osobisty w Krakowie.
Oprócz oferowanych kart posiadam mnóstwo innych, w tym z dodatków 14-19. Jeśli czegoś szukasz, zapytaj - jeżeli mam, mogę również wystawić.
11R1 | •The One Ring, The Ring of Rings |
|  |
11S2 | •The One Ring, The Ruling Ring |
|  |
11U3 | Axe of Khazad-dum |
|  |
11C4 | Battle to the Last |
|  |
11C5 | Dwarven Embassy |
|  |
11U6 | Fallen Lord |
|  |
11C7 | •Farin, Emissary of Erebor |
|  |
11U8 | •Gimli, Lively Combatant |
|  |
11R9 | •Gimli's Battle Axe, Vicious Weapon |
|  |
11R10 | •Grimir, Dwarven Emissary |
|  |
11R11 | •Hall of Our Fathers |
|  |
11U12 | Mountain Homestead |
|  |
11C13 | On Guard |
|  |
11R14 | Well-equipped |
|  |
11U15 | •Arwen, Staunch Defender |
|  |
11U16 | Blade of Lindon |
|  |
11R17 | Elven Marksmanship |
|  |
11S18 | Elven Scout |
|  |
11C19 | Farewell to Lorien |
|  |
11S20 | The Lady's Blessing |
|  |
11S21 | •Legolas, Companion of the Ring |
|  |
11R22 | •Legolas, Woodland Emissary |
|  |
11R23 | •Legolas' Bow |
|  |
11R24 | Might of the Elf-lords |
|  |
11U25 | Nocked |
|  |
11U26 | •Uncertain Future |
|  |
11C27 | Woodland Sentinel |
|  |
11U28 | The Art of Gandalf |
|  |
11U29 | Ease the Burden |
|  |
11R30 | •Erland, Dale Counselor |
|  |
11C31 | Final Account |
|  |
11S32 | G for Grand |
|  |
11S33 | •Gandalf, Leader of the Company |
|  |
11R34 | •Gandalf's Staff, Ash-Staff |
|  |
11R35 | •Glamdring, Foe-hammer |
|  |
11C36 | Inspiration |
|  |
11U37 | •New Authority |
|  |
11U38 | New-awakened |
|  |
11C39 | Prolonged Struggle |
|  |
11U40 | •Shadowfax, Unequaled Steed |
|  |
11U41 | Frenzied Attack |
|  |
11R42 | •Gollum, Skulker |
|  |
11R43 | Horribly Strong |
|  |
11R44 | •Incited |
|  |
11U45 | Led Astray |
|  |
11C46 | Master Commands It |
|  |
11U47 | No End of Wickedness |
|  |
11R48 | •Not Yet Vanquished |
|  |
11U49 | One Good Turn Deserves Another |
|  |
11R50 | •Safe Passage |
|  |
11R51 | •Smeagol, Scout and Guide |
|  |
11U52 | Strange and Terrible |
|  |
11S53 | •Aragorn, Guide and Protector |
|  |
11R54 | •Aragorn, Strider |
|  |
11U55 | Armor of the Citadel |
|  |
11S56 | Battle Cry |
|  |
11R57 | •Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath |
|  |
11U58 | Bow of Minas Tirith |
|  |
11U59 | Gondorian Blade |
|  |
11R60 | The Highest Quality |
|  |
11U61 | •Houses of Healing |
|  |
11C62 | •Madril, Ranger of Ithilien |
|  |
11C63 | Much-needed Rest |
|  |
11S64 | Pledge of Loyalty |
|  |
11S65 | Ranger of Westernesse |
|  |
11R66 | Well-traveled |
|  |
11U67 | Archer of Harad |
|  |
11R68 | Armored Easterling |
|  |
11U69 | Axeman of Harad |
|  |
11R70 | Bloodthirsty |
|  |
11C71 | Bold and Cunning |
|  |
11C72 | Column of Easterlings |
|  |
11C73 | Corps of Harad |
|  |
11U74 | Detachment of Haradrim |
|  |
11R75 | •Easterling Host |
|  |
11C76 | Easterling Shield Wall |
|  |
11S77 | Elder of Dunland |
|  |
11R78 | Elevated Fire |
|  |
11C79 | Fearsome Dunlending |
|  |
11U80 | Ferocious Haradrim |
|  |
11R81 | Fletcher of Harad |
|  |
11S82 | Footman of Dunland |
|  |
11C83 | Force of Harad |
|  |
11S84 | Harad Standard-bearer |
|  |
11C85 | Horde of Harad |
|  |
11C86 | Invading Haradrim |
|  |
11U87 | Lathspell |
|  |
11C88 | Legion of Harad |
|  |
11C89 | Long Battle Bow |
|  |
11S90 | Man of Bree |
|  |
11R91 | Oath Sworn |
|  |
11S92 | Overrun |
|  |
11C93 | Patroller of Haradrim |
|  |
11C94 | Pavise |
|  |
11S95 | Poleaxe |
|  |
11R96 | Precision Targeting |
|  |
11S97 | Raging Dunlending |
|  |
11C98 | Rampaging Easterling |
|  |
11U99 | Squad of Haradrim |
|  |
11R100 | Strange-looking Men |
|  |
11C101 | Swarthy Bree-lander |
|  |
11C102 | Throng of Harad |
|  |
11C103 | Warrior of Dunland |
|  |
11U104 | Whistling Death |
|  |
11U105 | Wielding the Ring |
|  |
11U106 | Armed for Battle |
|  |
11C107 | Barbarous Orc |
|  |
11R108 | Beastly Olog-hai |
|  |
11U109 | Bladed Gauntlets |
|  |
11U110 | Bound to its Fate |
|  |
11C111 | Champion Orc |
|  |
11S112 | Conquered Halls |
|  |
11C113 | Cutthroat Orc |
|  |
11U114 | Demoralized |
|  |
11S115 | Denizen of Khazad-dum |
|  |
11S116 | Denizen of Moria |
|  |
11S117 | Denizen of the Black Pit |
|  |
11U118 | Dread and Despair |
|  |
11R119 | Emboldened Orc |
|  |
11C120 | Entrapping Orc |
|  |
11C121 | Foraging Orc |
|  |
11C122 | Frenzied Orc |
|  |
11R123 | Goblin Hordes |
|  |
11U124 | Hill Orc |
|  |
11C125 | Isengard Underling |
|  |
11S126 | Marauding Orcs |
|  |
11C127 | Mocking Goblin |
|  |
11C128 | Mordor Scimitar |
|  |
11C129 | Mountain Orc |
|  |
11S130 | Orc Hammer |
|  |
11C131 | Orc Miscreant |
|  |
11C132 | Orkish Smith |
|  |
11R133 | Orkish Worker |
|  |
11R134 | Persistent Orc |
|  |
11R135 | Porter Troll |
|  |
11C136 | Prowling Orc |
|  |
11U137 | Scurrying Goblin |
|  |
11S138 | Skulking Goblin |
|  |
11U139 | Spurred to Battle |
|  |
11C140 | Strength in Shadows |
|  |
11R141 | Undisciplined |
|  |
11S142 | Unyielding Goblin |
|  |
11R143 | Watchful Orc |
|  |
11U144 | •Border Patrol |
|  |
11U145 | •Eomer, Guardian of the Eastmark |
|  |
11S146 | •Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan |
|  |
11R147 | •Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg |
|  |
11C148 | •Hrothlac, Man of Rohan |
|  |
11U149 | Protecting the Hall |
|  |
11S150 | Rally Cry |
|  |
11U151 | Riddermark Javelin |
|  |
11S152 | Riddermark Soldier |
|  |
11S153 | Rider's Spear |
|  |
11R154 | •Riders of the Mark |
|  |
11C155 | Riding Like the Wind |
|  |
11U156 | Rohirrim Mount |
|  |
11C157 | •Rush of Steeds |
|  |
11R158 | Sword Rack |
|  |
11U159 | •Theoden, King of the Eorlingas |
|  |
11S160 | War Now Calls Us |
|  |
11S161 | Concerning Hobbits |
|  |
11C162 | Crouched Down |
|  |
11U163 | •Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish |
|  |
11S164 | •Frodo, Protected by Many |
|  |
11R165 | Habits of Home |
|  |
11S166 | Hobbit Sword |
|  |
11C167 | Incognito |
|  |
11C168 | •Merry, Loyal Companion |
|  |
11C169 | The More, The Merrier |
|  |
11R170 | •Pippin, Brave Decoy |
|  |
11R171 | Salt from the Shire |
|  |
11U172 | •Sam, Steadfast Friend |
|  |
11R173 | •Sting, Weapon of Heritage |
|  |
11S174 | Sworn Companion |
|  |
11U175 | A Task Now to Be Done |
|  |
11S176 | Unharmed |
|  |
11R177 | Army of Uruk-hai |
|  |
11S178 | Bloodthirsty Uruk |
|  |
11R179 | Brawling Uruk |
|  |
11S180 | Brutality |
|  |
11R181 | Determined Uruk |
|  |
11U182 | Devastation |
|  |
11S183 | Feral Uruk |
|  |
11R184 | Force of Uruk-hai |
|  |
11U185 | •Fortitude |
|  |
11R186 | Furious Uruk |
|  |
11S187 | Furor |
|  |
11S188 | Hounding Uruk |
|  |
11U189 | Intimidating Uruk |
|  |
11S190 | Invincible Uruk |
|  |
11U191 | Isengard Siege Bow |
|  |
11C192 | Isengard Sword |
|  |
11S193 | Lookout Uruk |
|  |
11R194 | •Lurtz, Minion of the White Wizard |
|  |
11C195 | Murderous Uruk |
|  |
11C196 | Our Foes Are Weak |
|  |
11U197 | Overpowering Uruk |
|  |
11C198 | Patrol of Uruk-hai |
|  |
11C199 | Relentless Uruk |
|  |
11C200 | Ruthless Uruk |
|  |
11C201 | Sentinel Uruk |
|  |
11C202 | Squad of Uruk-hai |
|  |
11C203 | Swarming Uruk |
|  |
11C204 | Tyrannical Uruk |
|  |
11R205 | Vigilant Uruk |
|  |
11C206 | Watchman Uruk |
|  |
11R207 | Dark Powers Strengthen |
|  |
11U208 | Dark Wings |
|  |
11S209 | Drawn to its Power |
|  |
11U210 | •Hatred Stirred |
|  |
11R211 | Keening Wail |
|  |
11U212 | Lost in the Woods |
|  |
11S213 | Moving This Way |
|  |
11R214 | •The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame |
|  |
11S215 | Riders in Black |
|  |
11R216 | A Shadow Rises |
|  |
11R217 | Shapes Slowly Advancing |
|  |
11U218 | •Surrounded by Wraiths |
|  |
11R219 | •Ulaire Attea, Second of the Nine Riders |
|  |
11S220 | •Ulaire Cantea, Fourth of the Nine Riders |
|  |
11S221 | •Ulaire Lemenya, Fifth of the Nine Riders |
|  |
11S222 | •Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders |
|  |
11S223 | •Ulaire Nertea, Ninth of the Nine Riders |
|  |
11R224 | •Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders |
|  |
11S225 | •Ulaire Toldea, Eighth of the Nine Riders |
|  |
11R226 | •The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders |
|  |
11U227 | Anduin Banks |
|  |
11S228 | Anduin Confluence |
|  |
11S229 | Barazinbar |
|  |
11S230 | Buckland Homestead |
|  |
11S231 | Caras Galadhon |
|  |
11S232 | Cavern Entrance |
|  |
11S233 | Chamber of Mazarbul |
|  |
11S234 | Crags of Emyn Muil |
|  |
11U235 | Dammed Gate-stream |
|  |
11S236 | East Road |
|  |
11S237 | Ettenmoors |
|  |
11S238 | Expanding Marshland |
|  |
11S239 | Fangorn Glade |
|  |
11S240 | Flats of Rohan |
|  |
11S241 | Fortress of Orthanc |
|  |
11S242 | Green Dragon Inn |
|  |
11S243 | Harrowdale |
|  |
11U244 | Heights of Isengard |
|  |
11S245 | Helm's Gate |
|  |
11U246 | Mere of Dead Faces |
|  |
11S247 | Moria Guardroom |
|  |
11S248 | Moria Stairway |
|  |
11S249 | Neekerbreekers' Bog |
|  |
11S250 | North Undeep |
|  |
11S251 | Old Forest Road |
|  |
11S252 | Osgiliath Reclaimed |
|  |
11S253 | Pelennor Fields |
|  |
11S254 | Pelennor Flat |
|  |
11S255 | Pinnacle of Zirakzigil |
|  |
11S256 | The Prancing Pony |
|  |
11S257 | Rohan Uplands |
|  |
11S258 | Slag Mounds |
|  |
11S259 | Stables |
|  |
11S260 | Trollshaw Forest |
|  |
11S261 | Valley of the Silverlode |
|  |
11S262 | Watch-tower of Cirith Ungol |
|  |
11S263 | West Gate of Moria |
|  |
11S264 | Westemnet Village |
|  |
11S265 | Window on the West |
|  |
11S266 | Woody-End |
|  |