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Shadows kompletny set C U R S 266 kart LotR TCG

08-02-2014, 21:40
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 179.99 zł     
Użytkownik PawelJaciow
numer aukcji: 3939055972
Miejscowość PRZEMYŚL
Wyświetleń: 10   
Koniec: 08-02-2014 21:42:40
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Przedmiotem aukcji jest kompletny set 266 różnych kart C, U, R, S z dodatku Shadows.
Ich spis wraz z obrazkami znajduje się poniżej.

Karty w stanie Near Mint/Excellent, (definicja tutaj), wszystkie w języku angielskim.

Wysyłka wszystkich wylicytowanych kart w jednej, dobrze zabezpieczonej przesyłce. Koszt nadania paczki według cennika Poczty Polskiej, w zależności od wagi kupionych kart.
Możliwy odbiór osobisty w Krakowie.

Zapraszam na pozostałe aukcje!

Oprócz oferowanych kart posiadam mnóstwo innych, w tym z dodatków 14-19. Jeśli czegoś szukasz, zapytaj - jeżeli mam, mogę również wystawić.

W razie jakichkolwiek pytań lub wątpliwości, proszę o kontakt:

  • e-mail: pawel_jaciow(a)op.pl
  • gg:[zasłonięte]18270
  • tel.: 694-[zasłonięte]-495

11R1•The One Ring, The Ring of Rings
11S2•The One Ring, The Ruling Ring
11U3Axe of Khazad-dum
11C4Battle to the Last
11C5Dwarven Embassy
11U6Fallen Lord
11C7•Farin, Emissary of Erebor
11U8•Gimli, Lively Combatant
11R9•Gimli's Battle Axe, Vicious Weapon
11R10•Grimir, Dwarven Emissary
11R11•Hall of Our Fathers
11U12Mountain Homestead
11C13On Guard
11U15•Arwen, Staunch Defender
11U16Blade of Lindon
11R17Elven Marksmanship
11S18Elven Scout
11C19Farewell to Lorien
11S20The Lady's Blessing
11S21•Legolas, Companion of the Ring
11R22•Legolas, Woodland Emissary
11R23•Legolas' Bow
11R24Might of the Elf-lords
11U26•Uncertain Future
11C27Woodland Sentinel
11U28The Art of Gandalf
11U29Ease the Burden
11R30•Erland, Dale Counselor
11C31Final Account
11S32G for Grand
11S33•Gandalf, Leader of the Company
11R34•Gandalf's Staff, Ash-Staff
11R35•Glamdring, Foe-hammer
11U37•New Authority
11C39Prolonged Struggle
11U40•Shadowfax, Unequaled Steed
11U41Frenzied Attack
11R42•Gollum, Skulker
11R43Horribly Strong
11U45Led Astray
11C46Master Commands It
11U47No End of Wickedness
11R48•Not Yet Vanquished
11U49One Good Turn Deserves Another
11R50•Safe Passage
11R51•Smeagol, Scout and Guide
11U52Strange and Terrible
11S53•Aragorn, Guide and Protector
11R54•Aragorn, Strider
11U55Armor of the Citadel
11S56Battle Cry
11R57•Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath
11U58Bow of Minas Tirith
11U59Gondorian Blade
11R60The Highest Quality
11U61•Houses of Healing
11C62•Madril, Ranger of Ithilien
11C63Much-needed Rest
11S64Pledge of Loyalty
11S65Ranger of Westernesse
11U67Archer of Harad
11R68Armored Easterling
11U69Axeman of Harad
11C71Bold and Cunning
11C72Column of Easterlings
11C73Corps of Harad
11U74Detachment of Haradrim
11R75•Easterling Host
11C76Easterling Shield Wall
11S77Elder of Dunland
11R78Elevated Fire
11C79Fearsome Dunlending
11U80Ferocious Haradrim
11R81Fletcher of Harad
11S82Footman of Dunland
11C83Force of Harad
11S84Harad Standard-bearer
11C85Horde of Harad
11C86Invading Haradrim
11C88Legion of Harad
11C89Long Battle Bow
11S90Man of Bree
11R91Oath Sworn
11C93Patroller of Haradrim
11R96Precision Targeting
11S97Raging Dunlending
11C98Rampaging Easterling
11U99Squad of Haradrim
11R100Strange-looking Men
11C101Swarthy Bree-lander
11C102Throng of Harad
11C103Warrior of Dunland
11U104Whistling Death
11U105Wielding the Ring
11U106Armed for Battle
11C107Barbarous Orc
11R108Beastly Olog-hai
11U109Bladed Gauntlets
11U110Bound to its Fate
11C111Champion Orc
11S112Conquered Halls
11C113Cutthroat Orc
11S115Denizen of Khazad-dum
11S116Denizen of Moria
11S117Denizen of the Black Pit
11U118Dread and Despair
11R119Emboldened Orc
11C120Entrapping Orc
11C121Foraging Orc
11C122Frenzied Orc
11R123Goblin Hordes
11U124Hill Orc
11C125Isengard Underling
11S126Marauding Orcs
11C127Mocking Goblin
11C128Mordor Scimitar
11C129Mountain Orc
11S130Orc Hammer
11C131Orc Miscreant
11C132Orkish Smith
11R133Orkish Worker
11R134Persistent Orc
11R135Porter Troll
11C136Prowling Orc
11U137Scurrying Goblin
11S138Skulking Goblin
11U139Spurred to Battle
11C140Strength in Shadows
11S142Unyielding Goblin
11R143Watchful Orc
11U144•Border Patrol
11U145•Eomer, Guardian of the Eastmark
11S146•Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan
11R147•Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg
11C148•Hrothlac, Man of Rohan
11U149Protecting the Hall
11S150Rally Cry
11U151Riddermark Javelin
11S152Riddermark Soldier
11S153Rider's Spear
11R154•Riders of the Mark
11C155Riding Like the Wind
11U156Rohirrim Mount
11C157•Rush of Steeds
11R158Sword Rack
11U159•Theoden, King of the Eorlingas
11S160War Now Calls Us
11S161Concerning Hobbits
11C162Crouched Down
11U163•Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish
11S164•Frodo, Protected by Many
11R165Habits of Home
11S166Hobbit Sword
11C168•Merry, Loyal Companion
11C169The More, The Merrier
11R170•Pippin, Brave Decoy
11R171Salt from the Shire
11U172•Sam, Steadfast Friend
11R173•Sting, Weapon of Heritage
11S174Sworn Companion
11U175A Task Now to Be Done
11R177Army of Uruk-hai
11S178Bloodthirsty Uruk
11R179Brawling Uruk
11R181Determined Uruk
11S183Feral Uruk
11R184Force of Uruk-hai
11R186Furious Uruk
11S188Hounding Uruk
11U189Intimidating Uruk
11S190Invincible Uruk
11U191Isengard Siege Bow
11C192Isengard Sword
11S193Lookout Uruk
11R194•Lurtz, Minion of the White Wizard
11C195Murderous Uruk
11C196Our Foes Are Weak
11U197Overpowering Uruk
11C198Patrol of Uruk-hai
11C199Relentless Uruk
11C200Ruthless Uruk
11C201Sentinel Uruk
11C202Squad of Uruk-hai
11C203Swarming Uruk
11C204Tyrannical Uruk
11R205Vigilant Uruk
11C206Watchman Uruk
11R207Dark Powers Strengthen
11U208Dark Wings
11S209Drawn to its Power
11U210•Hatred Stirred
11R211Keening Wail
11U212Lost in the Woods
11S213Moving This Way
11R214•The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame
11S215Riders in Black
11R216A Shadow Rises
11R217Shapes Slowly Advancing
11U218•Surrounded by Wraiths
11R219•Ulaire Attea, Second of the Nine Riders
11S220•Ulaire Cantea, Fourth of the Nine Riders
11S221•Ulaire Lemenya, Fifth of the Nine Riders
11S222•Ulaire Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders
11S223•Ulaire Nertea, Ninth of the Nine Riders
11R224•Ulaire Otsea, Seventh of the Nine Riders
11S225•Ulaire Toldea, Eighth of the Nine Riders
11R226•The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders
11U227Anduin Banks
11S228Anduin Confluence
11S230Buckland Homestead
11S231Caras Galadhon
11S232Cavern Entrance
11S233Chamber of Mazarbul
11S234Crags of Emyn Muil
11U235Dammed Gate-stream
11S236East Road
11S238Expanding Marshland
11S239Fangorn Glade
11S240Flats of Rohan
11S241Fortress of Orthanc
11S242Green Dragon Inn
11U244Heights of Isengard
11S245Helm's Gate
11U246Mere of Dead Faces
11S247Moria Guardroom
11S248Moria Stairway
11S249Neekerbreekers' Bog
11S250North Undeep
11S251Old Forest Road
11S252Osgiliath Reclaimed
11S253Pelennor Fields
11S254Pelennor Flat
11S255Pinnacle of Zirakzigil
11S256The Prancing Pony
11S257Rohan Uplands
11S258Slag Mounds
11S260Trollshaw Forest
11S261Valley of the Silverlode
11S262Watch-tower of Cirith Ungol
11S263West Gate of Moria
11S264Westemnet Village
11S265Window on the West