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Sexy Bikini Girls - MICRO BIKINI GIRLS

12-07-2015, 7:31
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 99.99 zł     
Użytkownik HENRYK0072
numer aukcji: 5506660493
Miejscowość gdańsk
Wyświetleń: 12   
Koniec: 12-07-2015 07:29:53

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: twarda
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
Forma: album, atlas
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

rozmiar 195-245,okladka twarda,zdjecia kolorowe,stron140 ,130 zdjec

Sexy Bikini Girls 1

One of the sexy and very erotic photo books by Edition Reuss, the renowned book publishing house in the areas of nude photography and erotic art photography:

erotic art photography books

More free sample photos from the erotic photo book
"Sexy Bikini Girls 1":


zdjecia mniej wiecej jak na okladce,gole pominieto,okladka TWARDA, rozmiar 195-250 mm


Publisher: EDITION reuss

inne zdjecia nie do publikacji tutaj,CIPKI


Cute girls, summer, sunshine, tanned skin and ...a tiny scrap of fabric. This book introduces you to photographer and bikini designer Mathias Angelov, who has put together a unique volume of photos featuring the most erotic bikinis you have ever seen! The daring bikinis of this cheeky textile saver scoff at prudishness with brightly coloured transparent fabrics that become nearly invisible when wet. These swimsuits highlight the very places that a wisp of textile typically conceals: skin-tight hot pants with a central seam that beautifully conforms to the contours of a shaved vulva, brazen thongs that vanish between curvaceous buttocks, and postage-stamp-sized tops from which something almost always slips out.

Sexy Bikini Girls - MICRO BIKINI GIRLS



Sexy Bikini Girls 1

One of the sexy and very erotic photo books by Edition Reuss, the renowned book publishing house in the areas of nude photography and erotic art photography: