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SEX AND THE CITY 2 Eric Cyphers

25-09-2014, 19:41
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Sex and the City 2: The Official Companion Book: The Stories. The Fashion. The Adventure

SEX AND THE CITY 2 Eric Cyphers



Author: Eric Cyphers
Language: English
Publisher: Headline
Publication Date: 27 May 2010
Dimensions: 19.2 x 2.5 x 29.4 cm
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 176
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: A755C6144X



Fast on the heels of the wildly popular companion to Sex and the City: The Movie comes this equally sexy and stylish companion to the sequel. SEX AND THE CITY 2 picks up two years after the first movie left off, where our four favourite friends are embaking on the trip of a lifetime to the exotic world of the Middle East. The sequel has been a smash hit at the UK box office, bringing in over GBP6m in its first three days. SEX AND THE CITY 2 gives readers an all-access tour of the movie-making processs, with introductions and behind-the-scenes stories from producer and star Sarah Jessica Parker and writer and director Michael Patrick King, as well as Kim Catrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon, and the movie's other key cast members and special guest stars; a look at the challenges of filming in both New York and Morocco; and the work that went into choosing the locations and building the sets. The book's comprehensive fashion section includes a scene-by-scene look at every outfit Carrie wears in the film, from dresses to shoes to bags, along with commentary by Sarah Jessica Parker herself.Full of exclusive stories and lush photos not available anywhere else, this behind-the-scenes, luxurious volume is a must-have for anyone who simply can't get enough of Sex and the City. Beautifully produced, lavish and full of must-know facts, this Sunday Times Top Ten Bestseller will be top of every fashonista's shopping list this spring. 'Colourful, smart and glossy, this is a must for any SATC fab - the perfect souvenir' Heat Magazine




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 SEX AND THE CITY Candace Bushnell