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Self Parenting: The
Complete Guide to Your Inner
Conversations |
DETAILS: Author: John K
Pollard, Linda Nusbaum Language: English Publisher: Generic Human Studies
Publishing Publication Date: 1 Dec 1987 Dimensions: 14 x 1.5 x 21.6 cm Format: Paperback Pages: 276 Condition: NEW Product_ID: A94BA5525X
SELF-PARENTING: The Complete Guide to Your Inner
Conversations is the classic and original how-to book
defining the concept of ''self-parenting.'' Many of us
grew up within a parental environment that did not
support our childhood needs for love, support, and
nurturing. As adults, we mentally continue the same
patterns as an ''Inner Parent'' that left us feeling
alone and abandoned as a child. By beginning the daily
practice of positive Self-Parenting, the negative outer
parenting patterns taught as a child (and subsequently
internalized as an adult) can be recognized and
reversed. The foundation of the SELF-PARENTING is the
daily practice of the Self-Parenting Exercises, a
thirty-minute session of cognitive interaction between
the Inner Parent and Inner Child. During these daily
half-hour sessions Illustrated In the book, the reader
learns how to love, support, and nurture his or her
Inner Child as well as increase their awareness of the
profound implications of their Inner Conversations in
the ''real world.'' |
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