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Security in Computing Networking; cryptography..

19-05-2014, 15:33
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Koniec: 19-05-2014 15:37:01

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Security in Computing
Charles R. Pfleeger , Shari Lawrence Pfleeger

Appropriate for beginning to intermediate courses in computer security. This sweeping revision of the classic computer security book provides an authoritative overview of computer security for every type of system, from traditional centralized systems to distributed networks and the Internet. The Third Edition has been updated to reflect the state-of-the-art in networking; cryptography; program and operating system security; administration; legal, privacy, and ethical issues, and much more. It combines core computer science concepts related to operating systems, networks, data bases, and programming, with accessible discussions of the use of cryptography and protocols. The book describes each important area from a developer's or user's point of view, lays out the security vulnerabilities and threats, and follows countermeasures to address them. Their book's layered approach is ideal for instructors who wish to customize courses based on their unique requirements. They also provide extensive pedagogical resources-including overviews, end-of-chapter reviews, lists of key terms, and updated exercises and references. The authors are recognized experts in their fields. Lead author Dr.Charles P.

Pfleeger, CISSP, is currently Master Security Architect for Cable & Wireless, one of the world's leading providers of Internet and secure infrastructure services. Co-author Dr. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger is a Senior Researcher at RAND Corporation, a not-for-profit company providing strategy and decision-making support in the public interest. They are the authors of more than a dozen previous books on computer security, software engineering, software measurement, software quality, and programming. Supplements including a solutions manual, PowerPoints and a companion website are available. In the "Resources" box above, please click on "Instructor."

Autor: Charles R. Pfleeger , Shari Lawrence Pfleeger
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall
Oprawa: twarda
Ilość stron: 746
Format: 23,6 x 18 x 3,6 cm
Język: angielski
Rok wydania: 2003
ISBN: 0-13-[zasłonięte]548-8
Stan: nowa
Cena detaliczna: € 51,34

Nasza cena: 17,95 zł

Security in Computing Networking; cryptography..

Nasze książki są nowe, jednak niektóre z nich to tzw. "końcówki nakładów". W związku z tym mogą zdarzyć się wśród nich egzemplarze noszące minimalne ślady lub uszkodzenia (zwykle ledwie widoczne zgniecenia lub zarysowania okładek) powstałe tytułem transportu i magazynowania.


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