How do people cope with having "caused" a
terrible accident? How do they cope when they survive
and have to live with the consequences ever after? We
tend to blame and forget professionals who cause
incidents and accidents, but they are victims too. They
are second victims whose experiences of an incident or
adverse event can be as traumatic as that of the first
victims’. Yet information on second victimhood and its
relationship to safety, about what is known and what
organizations might need to do, is difficult to
find. Thoroughly exploring an emerging topic with
great relevance to safety culture, Second Victim:
Error, Guilt, Trauma, and Resilience examines the
lived experience of second victims. It goes through what
we know about trauma, guilt, forgiveness, and injustice
and how these might be felt by the second victim. The
author discusses how to conduct investigations of
incidents that do not alienate second victims or make
them feel even worse. It explores the importance support
and resilience and where the responsibilities for
creating it may lie. Drawing on his unique
background as psychologist, airline pilot, and safety
specialist, and his own experiences with helping second
victims from a variety of backgrounds, Sidney Dekker has
written a powerful, moving account of the experience of
the second victim. It forms compelling reading for
practitioners, risk managers, human resources managers,
safety experts, mental health workers, regulators, the
judiciary, and many other professionals. Dekker provides
a strong theoretical background to promote understanding
of the situation of the second victim and solid
practical advice about how to deal with trauma that
continues after an event leading to preventable harm or
even avoidable death of a patient, consumer, or
colleague. Listen to Sidney Dekker speak about his