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Seamus Forever AMIR BAGHIRI

04-07-2015, 9:17
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numer aukcji: 5481085420
Miejscowość Skwierzyna
Wyświetleń: 3   
Koniec: 04-07-2015 09:25:44

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Stan: Nowy
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Seamus (2) ‎– Forever
Silentes ‎– cd 200506
CD, Album
05 Nov 2005
Electro, Deep House, Ambient
Tracklist 1 Close The Window 2:42
2 Look At The Sky 8:48
3 August, 1987 9:38
4 Autumn Skies 5:46
5 Bitter Tears 7:42
6 Sorrow 7:18
7 Flowers In The Dustbin 5:11
8 Why? 9:14
9 Let Your Soul Free 6:14
10 Open The Window 3:13
11 Sorrow (Reprise) 4:50

Companies etc
Copyright (c) – Bluebox (2)
Artwork – Akifumi Nakajima, G.R.O.S.S.
Performer, Producer – Amir Baghiri
Photography By, Concept By, Words By [Sorrow] – Stefano Gentile
Vocals – Christian Fuess
All music performed and produced by Amir Baghiri 2[zasłonięte]003-20 - Germany.
The concept behind this album was created by Stefano Gentile - Italy, who also wrote the Sorrow text in June, 1989.

© 1[zasłonięte]988-20 Bluebox Recordings BMI

Made in EU
Barcode and Other Identifiers
Barcode (As Printed): 8 016[zasłonięte] 461647
Barcode (No Spaces): 801[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]04616
Matrix / Runout: Sony DADC A010[zasłonięte]4788-[zasłonięte] 0101 A1 A6
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L554
Mould SID Code: IFPI 94K1
Label Code: LC 5565