Sea Fishing Venues In Wales This book contains
complete descriptions of sea fishing venues in LLYN
PENINSULA I have fished the Welsh Coastline for over 25
years and have written this book with purely the sea
angler in mind, who like myself live too far away from
the coast to go fishing every weekend. Hopefully I have
produced the most fully comprehensive guide you will
ever need to help you enjoy the wonderful fishing this
stretch of coastline holds. Shore Fishing is extremely
popular in Wales and, with such a large area of
coastline, you can always find a quiet sheltered spot
for a good days fishing. I have pin pointed 18 well
established venues with over 72 fishing marks shown on
the maps. I have also shown topography maps to give you
a good idea of the ground you are fishing. Each venue
offers car parking, in addition to some other amenities
and all have breath-taking views out to sea. The variety
of catch can be very wide and varies throughout each of
the seasons. It includes Bass, Bull Huss, Coalfish, Cod,
Conger Eel, Dab, Dogfish, Flounder, Mackerel, Mullet,
Plaice, Pollack, Rays, including Thornback, Smalleyed,
Spotted and Blonde, Smoothhound, Whiting and plenty of
good size Wrasse which run to over 4lbs at times. Also
in this guide you will find additional information on
baits, how to get to each of the venues, and also how to
fish them and much more. Everything at the time of
writing this book is correct. Enjoy the book and of
course - TIGHT LINES!!!