Madaleine Bingham
Scotlans under Mary Stuart
An Account of Everyday Life
New York 1973
Stron 268, format: 14x22 cm
32 ilustracje na wklejkach.
Książka wycofana z biblioteki: lekko ponadrywana obwoluta, wklejki biblioteczne na wewnętrznej części okładki,
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This true picture of a disturbed and remote country in the sixteenth century is one of contrasts and contradictions. Much of the background is sombre, and most of Scotland's history in this century was played against a dark backdrop of unrest and assassination. Yet side by side with this, ordinary people carried on their daily lives. Courtiers wrote lyrical poetry, merchants traded and amassed wealth, and peasants sowed and reaped. Women sat at their spinning wheels while their husbands died in clan feuds. At court, assassins wore rich velvets imported from abroad, while far away in remote villages wolves threatened village life. Scotland was a country in transition between the medievalism of the Roman Catholic Church - a land of agriculture and crafts, many of them with the monasteries as a focal point - and the new Scotland which was to be controlled by the great lords who became the inheritors of the Church's riches. The rising merchant class which adopted the new religion also began to exert their influence on the shaping of events. Against this picture Madeleine Bingham has described in great and colourful detail the way people of all ranks of society lived, their homes, their food and amusements, the ways they earned their living, cared for the sick and punished the offenders. She describes their family life, their religion, the structure and activities of the clans, and the state of the arts. Here, in fact, is the real substance of Scotland at the time of Mary Queen of Scots, the constant object of generations of biographers and novelists.
i. Backdrop to Scotland in the Sixteenth Century page i The Organization of Society 29 The People in Their Setting 49 Family Life 71 Earning a Living: on the Land 90 Earning a Living: in the Towns and on the Sea 106 Religion 124 Feuds, Factions and Laws in the Highlands 152 Food and Fun 170
The Social Services 197 Crime and Punishment 223 The Arts 238 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 259 INDEX 26l
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