Now thoroughly updated to reflect the latest debates,
this popular textbook introduces readers to the central
questions in the field of science and religion. Ideally
suited to those who have little or no prior knowledge in
either area, it incorporates numerous student-friendly
features, including maps, summaries, and historical
references, resulting in the most up-to-date
introduction to the study of religion and the natural
sciences available.Examines the historical, theological,
philosophical and scientific aspects of the interaction
between religion and science Fully updated to reflect
current, cutting-edge debates on scientific atheism and
the limits of scientific method, and discussions about
the relationship between science and religion in major
world faiths Includes a historical component to enable
readers to orientate themselves within the subject Takes
a topic based approach which fits into the existing
structure of most courses, and includes explanatory
material not found in other works of this kind, making
it highly accessible for those with little scientific or
religious background knowledge Incorporates
illustrations, tables, maps, summaries and questions for
a lively and engaging approach to the subject Written by
world-renowned theologian, Alister McGrath; author of
bestselling books such as Dawkins' God , and an
acknowledged expert in the field of science and
religion |