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Science and Practice of Strength Training

12-06-2014, 1:52
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Miejscowość Gryfino
Wyświetleń: 7   
Koniec: 12-06-2014 01:44:50

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Stan: Nowy
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Science and Practice of Strength Training 313,99 zł
  • Typ Okładki - Twarda oprawa
  • Wydawnictwo - Human Kinetics Publishers
  • Ilość stron - 264
  • Rozmiar - 28.8 x 21.8 x 2.2 cm
  • Autor - Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky,William J. Kraemer
  • Język książki - Angielski

Product Description Review ""It's now in its second edition and it's a great book. Here's why. The authors have combined Eastern European and North American resistance training practices to present a truly global perspective on current theories on how athletes should train. Compared to the first edition, this edition is much more practical."""Bigger Faster Stronger" About the Author Vladimir Zatsiorsky, PhD, is a professor of kinesiology at Penn State University in State College, Pennsylvania. A strength and conditioning consultant for Olympic teams from the former Soviet Union for 26 years, Zatsiorsky has trained hundreds of world-class athletes. He has also authored or coauthored 15 books and more than 350 scientific papers. His books have been published in several languages, including English, Russian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Czech, Romanian, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian and Bulgarian. He has received honorary doctoral degrees from universities in Poland and Russia and is an honorary member of the International Association of Sport Kinetics. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, listening to classical music and exercising. William Kraemer, PhD, is a professor in the department of kinesiology at the University of Connecticut at Storrs, where he works in the Human Performance Laboratory. He is also is a professor in the department of physiology and neurobiology and a professor of medicine at the University of Connecticut Health Centre. He is editor in chief of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, an associate editor of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, and an editorial board member of the Journal of Applied Physiology. A former junior high and college coach, Kraemer has coauthored many books and articles on strength training for athletes.

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Science and Practice of Strength Training

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