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Joyrider from Schwinn jest przyczepka/ wozeczkiem do joggingu. Jest to najbardziej ekskluzywna przyczepka i najchetniej wybierana przez rodzicow.
Item Description
Designed for active parents, the Joyrider from Schwinn is a sturdy two-in-one bike trailer/jogging stroller that allows you to tow or push your children wherever you go. With its primary function as a bike trailer, the Joyrider attaches to the rear hub of nearly any bicycle for towing. When you want to push the stroller, simply attach the front wheel to the trailer and you have a full-service jogging stroller.
Built for stability at higher speeds, the Joyrider features 20-inch tires with shock absorbers that roll quickly behind the bike and are equally well suited to jogging. The lightweight aluminum frame folds up for storage and transport and the wheels have quick-release hubs for an even more compact package. The Joyrider's interior is designed for a cozy and protected ride with a secure harness for two kids, padded reclining seats, drink and snack holders, and a zip-around weather shield that allows you to adjust the level of ventilation depending on the weather. Finally, an under seat storage area allows you to pack lunch, a diaper bag, or other necessities in the Joyrider.
Never leave the little ones behind with the Schwinn® JoyriderTM bike trailer. Designed to attach to nearly any bicycle's rear hub, it holds two children (100 pounds total weight) within the roomy, padded cabin. The seat back reclines for your children's comfort on long rides, and convenient pockets keep snacks and drinks handy. For additional utility, the JoyriderTM trailer converts to a stroller and folds for easy storage.
- Wysoka jakość wykonania
przeznaczona do przewozu 1 lub 2 dzieci o łącznej wadze do 45,5 kg
- 20" pompowane koła
- 5-punktowe pasy bezpieczeństwa
- Lekka aluminiowa konstrukcja ramy
- Wytrzymały materiał
- Folia chroniąca przed deszczem, zamykana na zamek błyskawiczny
- Uniwersalny uchwyt do roweru
- Zabezpieczenie przed przewróceniem przyczepki w przypadku przewrócenia roweru
- w prosty sposób zamienia się w wózek
- przestrzenne, wyściełane wnętrze z uchwytami na przekąski
- rozkładane oparcie
- W zestawie małe przednie kółko i rączka do pchania przyczepki
składana kompaktowo, 3-cie kolo mozna dokupic na naszych aukcjach
- Secure harness for use with one or two children
- Padded cabin
- Drink and snack holders
- Reclining seat back
- 20-inch alloy wheels push or pull easily
- Zip-around weather shield adjusts for conditions
- Folds compactly
- Quick-release wheels detach for storage
- Storage area behind rear seat
- Converts to a stroller with included kit
- Passenger capacity: two children
- Weight capacity: 100 pounds
- Assembled dimensions: 52.5 by 34.5 by 33 inches (L x W x H)
- Folded dimensions with wheels: 31 by 34.5 by 20 inches (L x W x H)
- Weight: 45 pounds
Wymiary po złożeniu: 78,5 x 87,5 x 50,5 cm
Wymiary po rozłożeniu: 133 x 87,5 x 84 cm
waga: 20,5 kg
laczna waga do 45,5 kg
zdjecia powyzej
od 1 roku
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