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Schumann: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 4 [RCA]/2004

09-06-2012, 10:57
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Użytkownik gorgiasz_2009
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Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 11   
Koniec: 19-05-2012 12:10:31

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
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Schumann: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 4 [Original recording remastered]

Robert Schumann (Composer), James Levine (Conductor), Philadelphia Orchestra (Orchestra)

Orchestra: Philadelphia Orchestra

Conductor: James Levine

Composer: Robert Schumann

Audio CD (January 13, 2004)

Format: Original recording remastered

Label: RCA


On this CD:

Symphony No. 2 in C major, Op. 61

Composed by Robert Schumann

Performed by Philadelphia Orchestra

Conducted by James Levine

Symphony No. 4 in D minor, Op. 120

Composed by Robert Schumann

Performed by Philadelphia Orchestra

Conducted by James Levine

“Levine's Schumann has been out of print from both companies that he made complete symphony cycles for, BMG and DG. The latter, from 1988 with the Berlin Phil., shows greater sensitivty, originality, and refinement than the earlier set with the Philadelphia Orch. Having said that, it's wonderful to see this reissue of Sym. #2 and 4. The performances are virtuosic and propulsive, and thtere are moments, such as the whole devlopment of the opening movement of the Second, that are hair-raising in their excitement. The Fourth is just as good; it avoids the pitfalls of over-phrasing and waywardness that one often hears.

Levine picked up from his mentor George Szell a prefernce for lean-textured Schumann, but he outshines Szell in flexibility and rhapsodic abandon. It's too bad that Levine's work has been overshadowed by other great Schumann conductors like Bernstein and Karajan, because he desdrves to stand with them. The sonics here are more natural and open than on the DG remake, which is noticeably shrill. There are lots of good budget recordings of Schumann symphonies out there--the ones wwith Kubelik and the Bavarian State Orch. on Sony are particularly worthwhile--but for heroic, impetuously joyous performances, nothing I've heard comes close to this CD.” cyt. Amazon.com