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Satire, Irony in Woodcuts Etchings grafika 290 il.

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Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1963
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Satire and Irony in Woodcuts, Engravings, Etchings and Lithographs

by Frank and Dorothy Getlein

illustrated with over 290 prints


New York 1963

Stron XXVI+272, format: 16x24 cm, papier kredowy

Książka używana: podniszczona obwoluta, innych defektów brak.

Stan dobry plus



Many of the best printmakers in the his­tory of art have depicted the world with a jaundiced eye and caustic hand. In this handsome and thoughtful book, Frank and Dorothy Getlein contend that the tech­nique of printmaking has always lent itself especially well to irony, social satire and the exposing of human folly. The results have often been humorous, biting or slightly wicked, but prints have never been more highly regarded and prized than they are today.

Starting with a careful explanation of the physical process itself, and showing how the method influences the subject matter and the point of view of the artist, the authors trace the beginning of prints in Europe and the emergence of Albrecht Diirer as the first great print-master.

The book then devotes a chapter to Diirer's students and successors, considers Rembrandt, Callot, Hogarth, Goya, Dau-mier, Rouault, and some modern Ameri­cans, among others, showing in each case how the method affected the ideas that the artist presented, and why some prints are effective and successful while others are not. They consider the relation of prints to so­ciety and discuss the ironies of the market itself.

(continued on back flap)

The Bite of the Print throws new light on an important segment of art. Its stimulating point of view will appeal to anyone interested in the history of art and its relation to society.


Table of contents

I- The Bite 4

the emperor and the pope, Anonymous German 5

the laughing audience, William Hogarth 7

is this what you were born for?, Francisco Goya 9

dr. gachet, Vincent Van Gogh n

poverty, Käthe Kollwitz 13

lens bombed, Otto Dix 13


II. The Bitten 16

across the field, Robert Gwathmey 17

pardon me, sir, if i disturb you a little, Honore Daumier 19

Lithograph stone and printing press 19

Woodcut, block and tools 21

god over the city, Ernst Barlach 21

moment of-impact, Eugene Mecikalski 21

Engraving, plate and tools 23

an election entertainment, William Hogarth 23

Wood engraving, block and tools 23

Etching, plate and tools, acid bath, printing press 25

portrait of a man, Ludwig Meidner 27

Aquatint, plate and tools 29

the blacksmith, Eugene Delacroix 29

among those who stood there, Abraham Rattner 31


III. In the beginning: Love and Death 34

head of a man in a fantastic helmet, Anonymous

Italian 35

death dance, Michael Wolgemut 37

the road to calvary, Master of Amsterdam (Master

of the Hausbuch) 37

man of sorrows, Master E. S. 39

man of sorrows, Anonymous (School of Ulm?) 39

fantastic letter « q », Master E. S. 41

the death of the virgin, Martin Schongauer 43

the agony in the garden, Martin Schongauer 43

the brazen serpent, Allaert Du Hameel 43

three naked men tied to a tree, Jacopo de' Barbari 45

sacrifice to priapus, Jacopo de' Barbari 45

the apostles carrying the coffin of the virgin,

Jacob Cornelisz Van Amsterdam 45

bacchanal with a wine press, Andrea Mantegna 47

hercules and anteus, School of Andrea Mantegna 47

madonna and child, Andrea Mantegna 49

battle of the nudes, Antonio Pollaiuolo 49


IV. Albrecht Dürer of Nürnberg 52

the four riders of the apocalypse 53

the martyrdom of the ten thousand christians 55

the martyrdom of st. catherine 55

the martyrdom of st. john 55

st. John's vision of christ and the seven

candlesticks 57

four angels staying the winds and marking

the chosen 57

the seven trumpets are given to the angels 57

battle of the angels 59

st. john devours the book 60

the sea monster and the beast with the lamb

horns 60

st. michael fighting the dragon 61

the adoration of the lamb and the hymn of

the chosen 61

the woman of babylon 61

the new jerusalem 63

christ bearing the cross 65

the agony in the garden 66

the last supper 66

christ in limbo 66

the men's bath 67

four witches 67

master and helper drawing a lute 69

artist drawing a nude woman 69

adam and eve 70

the great fortune 71

melancholy 71

the knight, death and the devil 73


V. After Dürer 76

alphabet of death, Hans Holbein 77

the dance of death, Hans Holbein 79

the witches, Hans Baldung (Grien) 81

the bewitched groom, Hans Baldung (Grien) 81

adam and eve, Hans Baldung (Grien) 83

Aristotle and phyllis, Hans Baldung (Grien) 83

calvary, Lucas Van Ley den 85

ecce homo, Lucas Van Leyden 85

the dance of the magdalene, Lucas Van Leyden 87

justice, Pieter Bruegel 88

the rich kitchen, Pieter Bruegel 88the poor kitchen, Pieter Bruegel 89

the alchemist, Pieter Bruegel 89

summer, Pieter Bruegel 91

the lamentation of Christ, Hercules Seghers 93


VI. Rembrandt 96

the return of the prodigal son 97

the angel appearing to the shepherds 99

the three trees ioi

goldweigher's field IOI

faust in his study 103

flight into egypt 105

christ seated, disputing with the doctors 105

christ between his parents, returning from

the temple 107

christ healing the sick 109

the three crosses, 1st state, 4th state III

christ presented to the people, 1st state, 7th state 113


VII Two Professionals, Callot and Piranesi 116

balli di sfessania, Jacques Callot 117

beggar on crutches, Callot Il8

a suffering beggar seated, Callot Il8

the gobbi, Callot 119

the temptation of st. anthony, Callot 121

the little miseries, Callot 123

the miseries and disasters of war, Callot 124-129

arch of titus, Giovanni Battista Piranesi 131

Hadrian's villa, Piranesi 131

appian way near albano, Piranesi 133

the prisons, Plates 1, 2, Piranesi 134

the prisons, Plates 3, Piranesi 135

the prisons, Plates 7, 14, Piranesi 137

the prisons, Plates 15, 16, Piranesi 139


VIII Hogarth 142

southwark fair 143

enraged musician 145

the harlot's progress, Plates I, 2 147

the harlot's progress, Plates 3, 4 149

the harlot's progress, Plates 5, 6 151

the rake's progress, Plates 1, 3 153

the rake's progress, Plates 4, 8 154

marriage a la mode, Plates 1,2 155

marriage à la mode, Plates 3, 4 157

marriage à la mode, Plate 5 159

tail piece or the bathos 159

beer street 161


IX. Goya 164

los caprichos, Plate 1 165

los caprichos, Plates 2, 10, 13 166

los caprichos, Plates 14, 15, 33 167

los caprichos, Plates 36, 41 169

los caprichos, Plates 42, 43, 45 171

los caprichos, Plates 50, 51, 57 172

los caprichos, Plates 62, 63, 74 173

disparates, Plates 1, 2 175

disparates, Plates 3, 8 176

disparates, Plates 10, 13 177

disparates, Plate 22 179

los desastres de la guerra, Plate 1 181

los desastres de la guerra, Plates 2, 7 182

los desastres de la guerra, Plates 13, 15 183

los desastres de la guerra, Plates 32, 47 184

los desastres de la guerra, Plates 48, 6l 185

los desastres de la guerra, Plates 69, 73 187

los desastres de la guerra, Plates 75, 77 188

los desastres de la guerra, Plates 79, 80 189

the giant i9t


X. Daumier 194

very humble, very submissive, very obedient

and above all very voracious subjects i95

ring down the curtain, the farce is over 195

the legislative belly 197

lafayette done for 197

don't meddle with the press 199

rue transnonain, april 15, 1834 199

robert macaire, distinguished beggar 20i

ladies and gentlemen, silver mines... 20i

bertrand, i adore industry 20i

you have lost your suit, it's true 203

i thought to name my drama 203

hero and leander 203

odysseus and penelope 205

the dream of the inventor of the needle gun 205 poor france! 205


XI. Rouault 208

miserere, Plates 1, 2, 6 209

miserere, Plates 8, 9 211

miserere, Plates 10, 11, 13 213

miserere, Plates 15, 16, 20 215

miserere, Plates 23, 31 216

miserere, Plate 35 217

miserere, Plates 34, 38, 40 219

miserere, Plates 44, 48 221

miserere, Plate 51 222

miserere, Plates 52, 54, 55 223

miserere, Plates 57, 58 225


XII. Kathe Kollwitz 228

weavers cycle: death, conspiracy, march of the

weavers 229

weavers cycle: riot, the end 231

peasant war cycle: plowing, sharpening the scythe 232

peasant war cycle: outbreak, after the battle 233

peasant war cycle: the prisoners 235

war cycle: the sacrifice, the widow i 237

war cycle: the parents,the people 238

death cycle: woman welcoming death 239

death cycle: death in the water, death upon

the highway 241

death cycle: death reaches for a woman, death

as a friend, death with girl in lap 242

death cycle: death swoops, the call of death 243

self-portrait, 1934 245

seed corn must not be ground 245


XIII. Printmaking Today 248

saul and david, Emil Nolde 249

the cry, Edvard Munch 251

wounded, fall, 1916, bapaume, OttO Dix 25 i

Christmas eve, George Grosz 252

the frugal repast, Pablo PicaSSO 253

the jungle, Reginald Marsh 255

roofs, summer night, John Sloan 255

in the ozarks, Thomas Hart Benton 257

sweatshop, William Gropper 257

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