Ruth Vanita
Sappho and the Virgin Mary
Same-Sex Love and the English Literary Imagination
Columbia University Press 1996
Stron X+289, format: 16x24 cm
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In Sappho and the Virgin Mary Ruth Vanita engages these two central icons of estern cultural mythology to rethink the concept of literary ancestry. Uncovering layers of love between women in works hy male and female authors Irom the Romantic to the postcolonial, she demonstrates that leskian connections have long animated tke ^Vestern lite rarv imagination. Tracing threads ol a nurturing, feminized ungendering from Shelley and Austen tkrougk Wilde and Woolf, d lscovenne tke d issolution of patriarchal families an d tke emergence of alternative families in Forster and Vikram Setk, Vanita offers a provocative new vision of the Jiterary family tree. Sappho and the Virgin Mary also reveals kow gender segregation in mainstream criticism kas effectively excluded the notion ol Sappkic ancestry in Western literature. In ker graceful syntkesis of centuries ol literature, criticism, and cultural mytkology, Vanita empkasizes agency rather than victimization—decisively shifting tke critical focus away from dominant views of women s marginal ization in English literature. RUTH VANIT, a P<» et and translator, is Associate Professor of English at Delhi University. Sk e is the author of A, Play of Light: Selected Poems, and was coeditor from 1979 to 1990 of Manushi: a journal about women and society. Ruth Vanita s Sappho and the Virgin Mary is an eloquent refutation of the conventional theoretical association ol leshianism with cultural invisibility. Recuperating the Marian and Sappkic imagery in the works of many diverse authors, Van ita demonstrates that same-sex love between women has long constituted an enabling, enriching and ubiquitous component ol the literary imagination lor male and female authors alike. Exposing the unacknowledged Protestant bias that kas led tkinkers suck as Freud, houcault and Paglia to discount lesbianism, Sappho and the Virgin Mary challenges many of tke assumptions regarding modernity and cultural history tkat currently dominate gay and lesbian studies. Intrepid, sophisticated, and worldly. —Corinne E. Blacbmer. coeditor oi En Trauesti: Women, Gender Subversion, Opera Sappho and the Virgin Mary establishes, definitively, tke pertinence of lesbian existence svithin English literary culture. Irom Samuel Taylor Coleridge and John Keats to Walter Paler. Oscar Wilde, and Virginia Woolf. A must for any reader wko is interested in the play ol gender and sexuality in 19th- and 20th-century British literature. —Richard Dellamora, author of Masculine Desire: The S exua I Poll tics of vivtorian i esth eticism Vanita s historically sensitive and theoretically informed tool? traces the embedded course of same-sex desire and knowledge in the Interwoven literary and religious legacies ol Sapphic and Marian trad ilion&."Sappho and the Virgin Man/ makes an important and timely contribution to cjueer literary and cultural history. — Lowell Gallagher, author of Medusas Gaze: Casuistry and Conscience in theR enaissance
Acknowledgments vii Introduction: Imagined Ancestries 1 1 The Marian Model 14 2 The Sapphic Sublime and Romantic Lyricism 37 3 Ecstasy in Victorian Aestheticism 62 4 Anarchist Feminism and the Homoerotic: Wilde, Carpenter, Shelley 83 5 The Search for a "Likeness": Shakespeare to Michael Field 100 6 Sapphic Virgins: Mythmaking Around Love Between Women in Meredith, Forster, Hope Mirrlees 136 7 Biography as Homoerotic Fiction: Freud, Pater, and Woolf 165 8 The Wilde-ness of Woolf: Evading and Embracing Death in Orlando and The Waves 187 9 Dogs, Phoenixes, and Other Beasts: Nonhuman Creatures in Homoerotic Texts 215 Notes 243 Index 281
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