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24-06-2012, 6:12
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Miejscowość WARSZAWA - Marki
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Koniec: 17-06-2012 21:21:37

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Stan: Nowy
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Tytuł oryginalny: Sam Peckinpah's The Legendary Westerns Collection
Tytuł polski:
Rok produkcji: 1962
Kraj: United States
Reżyseria: Sam Peckinpah
Obsada: Jason Robards, William Holden, Robert Ryan, Ernest Borgnine, Warren Oates

THE WILD BUNCH: Nine men who came too late and stayed too long!
The year is 1913, just one year short of World War 1. Disguised as U.S. soldiers, a gang rides into a Texas border town. Silently, they enter and rob the railroad company, but an ambush lies in wait.
When the gang emerges, the company's hired gunmen open fire. Men, women, and children are caught in the crossfire. The gang escape to their hideout in the desert where they find that the loot they fought so hard is worthless. With the railroad company hard on their heels, the gang, lead by Pike, head for the apparent safety of the Mexican revolutionaries and representatives of the ruling Government. As a result of these separate meetings, Pike and his gang are forced to re-examine the principles that had, until then, ruled their lives.
* Disc 1
* Audio commentary by Nick Redman, Paul Seydor, Garner Simmons and David Weddle
* Peckinpah trailer gallery
* The Wild Bunch
* Disc 2
* Never-before-seen The Wild Bunch outtakes (10 mins)
* 'Sam Peckinpah's West: Legacy Of A Hollywood Renegade' documentary (90 mins)
* 'The Wild Bunch: An Album In Montage' (34 mins)
* 'A Simple Adventure Story: Sam Peckinpah, Mexico And The Wild Bunch' featurette (23 mins)
PAT GARRET AND BILLY THE KID: They are fast friends and worse foes. One is Billy the Kid (Kris Kristofferson), a law unto himself. The other is the law: Sheriff Pat Garrett (James Coburn), who once rode with Billy. Set to a bristling score by Bob Dylan (who also plays Billy's sidekick Alias) and with a `Who's Who' of iconic Western players, Sam Peckinpah's saga of one of the West's great legends is now restored to its intended glory. For the first time since it left the cutting room, the film has the balance of action and character development Peckinpah wanted, a mix of fury and elegy based on the director's notes and the insights of colleagues.
* Disc 1 (Special Edition, 115 mins)
* Audio commentary by Nick Redman, Paul Seydor, Garner Simmons and David Weddle
* Peckinpah trailer gallery
* Disc 2 (Turner Preview Edition, 122 mins)
* Audio commentary by Nick Redman, Paul Seydor, Garner Simmons and David Weddle
* 'One Foot In The Groove: Remembering Sam Peckinpah & Other Things' featurette (28 mins)
* 'Deconstructing Pat And Billy' featurette (14 mins)
* One For The Money: Sam's Song (4 mins)
THE BALLAD OF CABLE HOGUE: Sam Peckinpah's light-hearted, rambunctious ode to the dying Wild West, with Jason Robards as a rascally prospector who transforms a desert water-hole into big business.
* Audio commentary by Nick Redman, Paul Seydor, Garner Simmons and David Weddle
* 'The Ladiest Damn'd Lady With Stella Stevens' featurette (27 mins)
* Peckinpah trailer gallery
RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY: An ex-lawman agrees to escort a shipment of gold cross-country, but runs into trouble when the men hired to help secretly plot to steal the gold.
* Audio commentary by Nick Redman, Paul Seydor, Garner Simmons and David Weddle
* 'Justified Life: Sam Peckinpah And The Hogue Country' featurette (23 mins)
* Peckinpah trailer gallery

Czas trwania: 455 min
Dźwięk: Angielski
Napisy: brak danych Polskich, Angielskie
Polska wersja językowa: brak polskiej wersji
Region: 2 (Polska, Europa)
Ilość dysków: 6
ITEMID: 2635 # UNID: 100[zasłonięte]6246 # EXTCODE: 732[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]07681 # CAT: 121[zasłonięte]4150 # TRAITPL1: # TRAITPL2: #

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