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Przedmiotem aukcji jest żurnal organizacji S.A.E. z 1936. (Publikowany od 1906 r) Kompendium wiadomości o lotnictwie, silnikach, samochodach. Informacja https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAE_International
Society of Automotive Engineers
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             Tytuł / autor / wydawnictwo 

S.A.E. Transactions
Papers Presented at Society and
Section Meetings
and Reprinted from the
Volume 31 1936
Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Twenty-Nine West Thirty-Ninth Street New York City 

     Spis treści: 

A Study of the Economical Loading and Operation of Motor Trucks - A. J. Scaife...............................
Bringing Italian Skies Down to the Earth - M. E. Meniman   ................................................
When Is a Truck Tire Overloaded? - J. E. Hale................................................................
Harry L. Horning (Obituary)................................................................................
Engine Roughness - Its Cause and Cure - P. U. Heldt....................-.....................................
Service Problems from Manufacturer and Operator Vievpoints - O. M. Brede....................................
Fuel Consumption Problems - Alex Taub......................................................................
Airplane Design Needs for Unskilled Pilots....................................................................
The Measurement of Engine Knock by Electro-Acoustic Instruments -Neil MacCoull and G. T. Stanton.............
Eliminating Crankshaft Torsional Vibration in Radial Aircraft Engines - E. S. Taylor...........................
Relation of Exhaust Gas Composition to Air-Fuel Ratio - B. A. UAlleua and W. G. Lopell.........................
Spring, Tire and Shock Absorber Testing Development - S. Ward   Widney......................................
Cylinder  Wear,  Where  and  Why - S.   W.  Sparrow  and  T.   A.  Scherger................................
Air Springs - Tomorrow^ Ride - Roy W. Brown.......................................................
The Operator'5 Woes on Lubrication - F. L. Faulkjier.......................................................
Engine Nacelles and Propellers and Airplane Performance - Donald H. Wood......................
Rating Aviation Fuels - In Full-Scale Aircraft Engines  (A   Report of the Cooperathe  Fuel   Research  Conumttee) C. B. Veal......................................................................................
EverymanJs Airplane - A Move Toward Simpler Flying - Fred E. Weic.....................................
Fuel Economy - The Operator^ Vievvpoint - Edmund T. Allcn...........................................
Cylinder Wear in Gasoline Engines - C. G. Williams.............................................
Cylinder Wear in Diesel Engines - G. D. Boerlage and B. f. J.  Grauesteyn..........................
The Effect of Gas Pressure on Piston Friction -Morris P. Taylor............................
Cetane Rating of Diesel Fuels - P. H. Schweitzer and T. B.   Hełzel...........................................
Diesel  Fuels - Significance  of  Ignition  Characteristics - J.  R.   MacGregor......................
-     45
-     47
-     55 .     66 .     69
 ^7 126
176  189 191
. 200
. 206
.. 217
The Society shall  not be  responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or discussions at its meetings . . . —(Constitulion, paragraph 54).
What Yariable Speed Transmissions Must Do...............................................................
Report of the Yolunteer Group for Compression-Ignition Fuel Research - T. B. Rendel............................   225
Sales Engineering Involves Cooperation - and Facts.............................................................   233
Air-Cooled Radial Aircraft-Engine Performance Possibilities - Raymond  W. Young. ................................   234
Engine Types and Reąuirements for Preparation of Fuels - F   C. MoĄ...........................................   257
Standards Committee Reports..............................................................................
Liquid-Cooled Aero Engines - H.  Wood...................................................................
(AuthorJs conclusion, page 400)
The Development of ^roferalT Cast Camshafts - D. J. Vail......................................................   288
Laminated Safety Glass.......................................................................................   292
Extreme-Pressure Lubricants Testing - George L. Neely.........................................................   293
Slow Motion Shows Knocking and Non-Knocking Explosions - Lloyd Withrow and Gerald M. Rasswciler............  297
Future Possibilities of 100-Octane Aircraft-Engine Fuel - Lieut. F. D. Klein.......................................  304
Safety in Motor-Vehide Operation and Maintenance -J. M. Orr..................................................    313
Design of Two-Engined Aircraft - Hali L. Hibbard............................................................   324
Cylinder Temperaturę - Macy O. Teetor.....................................................................   328
A New High-Octane Blending Agent - H. E. Buc and Major Edwin E. Aldrin..................................  333
Air-Cooled Radial Aircraft-Engine Installation - P. A. Anderson................................................   341
The Correlation of Car and Fuel Vapor-Locking Characteristics - E. M. Barber and B. A. Kulason   ................  351
Body Designing Procedurę - George J. Mercer..................................................................   358
The Construction and Operation of Six-Wheel Trucks - Austin  M.   Wolf.........................................  362
The Ear as a Noise-Measuring Instrument - John S. Parinson...................................................  381
A Survey of Air Transportation...............................................................................  387
Practical Noise Treatment of Automobile Bodies - George R.   Cunnington.......................................   388
Cooling Streamliners   .............................................................                                                  ,c,
Manufacturing Phases of Metal-Aircraft Construction - Fred  W. Herman                                                                          m,
.........................................   3y-r
Author!s Conclusion to Discussion of 1ILiquid-Cooled Aero Engines11 - (page 267) - H.  Wood                                        400
Human Reactions to Vibration - H. M. JacĄlin..................
Thermodynamic Properties of the Working Fluid in Internal-Combustion Engines - R  L  Hershey  J E Eberhardt and
H. C. Hottel.............                                                                                                     f i-    -
........................................................................... 4O9
Trends in 1937 Car Design - Austin M. Wolf
............................................................  425
Manufacture of Elliptical-Skirted Pistons - E. S. Chapman
...................................................         441
Stressed-Skin Structures for Aircraft - Don R, Berlin............................................................. 444
Sapphire and Other New Combustion-Chamber Window Materials- George Calingaert, S. D. Heron and Ralph Stair. . .  448
The Chassis Frame - Its Functions and Means for Increasing Efficiency - D. W. Sherman............................  451
Photo-Electric Combustion Analysis - R. A. Rosę, G. C. Wilson and R. R. Benedict ................................  459
Vibration of Crankshaft-Propeller Systems - Kań Lurenbaum....................................................  469
Safety  in Body  Design Through  Chassisless Construction - Fran R. Fageol....................................  480
Heat Rejection from Diesel Engines...........................................................................  483
Flight in the Sub-Stratosphere - J. C. Edgerton...............:.................................................  484
Development and Application of the Cathode-Ray Engine Indicator - E. M. Dodds................................  487
Radiator Development and Car Cooling - L. P. Saunders.........................................................  496
Reliability   of  Wind-Tunnel   Testing..........................................................................  516
Author  Index.....................................................................................-........
Discusser Index........................................................................................
Subject   Index............................................................................................. 

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