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Sacred Hunger Barry Unsworth NOWA!

08-05-2014, 17:27
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Koniec: 08-05-2014 17:35:57

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Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
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Natychmiastowa realizacja zamówienia - książka dostępna od ręki



Sacred Hunger

Autor: Barry Unsworth

Liczba stron: 640

Okładka: Miękka
Nr ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]01199

Wydawca: Penguin

This book is the winner of the 1992 Booker prize. 'Gripping..."Sacred Hunger" covers a period between 1752 and 1765...it concerns the entangled and conflicted fortunes of two cousins: Erasmus Kemp, the son of a Lancashire merchant, and Matthew Paris, a scholar and surgeon just released from prison for 'denying Holy Writ'...the Liverpool Merchant is the vessel on which the whole of the novel hinges, and it carries the reader deep into the history of man's iniquitous greed...As regards its dramatic breadth and energy, no recent domestic novel has come within a mile of it' - Anthony Quinn in the "Independent".

Sacred Hunger Barry Unsworth NOWA!