The German-English part of the Pocket-Dlctionary of the English and German Lcmgnages, now presented to the public, has been adapted to the needs of the German and English users of the book. Following the same principles as in the English-Geraian portion, publishers and editor have striven to make the work as complete as possible in order that the little book may be a trustworthy companion, not only for schools, but for a wider circle of readers outside them.
The German-English portion, howevers is much morę deeply indebted for its new form than the English - German to the co-operation of the Langenscheidt Firm of Publishers. The reąuirements of the foreign student in regard to a dictionary from German into a foreign language being in generał the sanie, the editor, in composing the German- English portion, could take over from the publishers all their wealth of practical experience and tura it to advantage in arranging the book. To select an example, the pronunciation has been given after every German simple word in the phonetic script of the Toussaint-Langenscheidt method. In set-tling the correct pronunciation regard has been paid to the rules of the German stage- pronunciation togęther with VietorJs Die Anssprache des Schriftdeutschen. For the introductory