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Użytkownik Askeladden
numer aukcji: 2069463110
Miejscowość Kraków
Wyświetleń: 5
Koniec: 30-01-2012 19:30:00
Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
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It is the aim of this study to reveal an almost unknown world of art concealed within the heavy bindings of Russian medieval manuscripts. Most of these luxurious books were created for churches or monasteries, and the few that were madę for lay patrons were usually commissioned for motives of pięty; all, therefore, contain texts of Christian content.
The Russian princes accepted Christianity as the religion of their State in
the tenth century as a result of a period of intense missionary activities on
the part of the Byzantine Church of Constantinople. (Vladimir, prince of
Kiev, is traditionally said to have accepted Orthodox baptism in 988.) Sińce
Christianity was brought to Russia from Byzantium, the Russian Church
followed the Byzantine model, and this influence is at its clearest in the
forms of its liturgy and the development of its art. Any study of early
Russian culture therefore entails comparison with Byzantine forms of
expression, and the recognition of subtle differences, particularly during
the period from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries, when the central-
ization of the Russian State in Moscow stimulated the development of a
national identity. The slow and subtle development of a new form (~A
manuscript illumination is the subject of this study, and is documenUr-.,
the selection of miniatures chosen for the illustrations.
The earliest Russian llluminated books to have survived are froii; eleventh century. They are large, and are written on parchment; the ?;ext: are surrounded by broad margins, and the script is in the forms known either as uncial or semi-uncial. The written language of Russian Christians was Old Church Slavonic, and the alphabet was cyrillic; uncial manuscripts use capital letters (majuscules) throughout, and the semi-uncial script is an adaptation to a morę cursive form. The illuminated pages are in vivid, rich colours, and the combination of miniatures and ornament with the well-spaced script creates the characteristic appearance of Russian manuscripts -dignity and clarity. These contrast with one kind of manuscript popular in Byzantium, where the pictures are surrounded by closely written mi-nuscules and intricate ornaments. On the whole, it might be said that Russian books are morę direct and less refined than the best productions of Constantinople.
Oprawa: miekka
Format: 20x28 cm
Ilość stron: 30 + 96 str.
Nakład: egz.
Stan: +db przytarcia okladki
Tytuł, autor i wydawnictwo
of the ll th to the Early l6 th Centuries
with 69 illustrations, 48 in colour
Aurora Art Publishers Leningrad
Spis treści:
Ilustracje: posiada
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